Devin at Unitrax is the man! I have never seen customer service like he provided me. I didn't even purchase the product from him and yet he treated me like his own customer. He dug through his old documents (as this device in from the mid 90s) and found the needed information. Who ever the previous owner got to do the install, it was incorrect. With Devin's help, I was able to install it correctly.
Back when not much was known on the Viper when they were first released, the speedo recalibration box was installed right behind the speedometer, splicing in to the actual gauge instead of the PCM. In my case, the unit was not fully installed, why? I have no idea. I know the unit was purchased from a shop named TNT Motorsports as I found papers in the car with their name on it, the company is no longer in business.
Finished the install. Devin provided me a couple dip switch sequences to try out to get the mph correct. On the very first sequence which was 1,3,4,6,7 turned on and the rest to off, I confirmed the speedo to be dead on now! This confirmed that the prevoius owner had the stock 3.07 gears replaced for 3.55.
Mission accomplished.
For archive purpose should anyone else run in to this issue,
Unitrax RB-2120 was produced in the 90s and is no longer made. For 3.55 gears, the correct switch sequence is 1,3,4,6,7 on.
If you input those numbers and the speedo is still off, you can try 1,2,3,4,6,7 on....... or 2,3,4,6,7
Also I am now an expert at removing the dash since I had to do it three damn times to fix this issue and I hope never again.