Bob...? You driving like a girl again?
I worried about a "cloink" sound once on my GEN 1 and called the Wizard, he asked if it sounded a little like somebody is smashig with a hammer on the chassis, once in reverse and once in forward. it was and he told me not to worry, this is normal. But to be sure I had to check the torque of a couple of bolts. It still does it some bits, but I barely notice it.
When you hear it very good...you're driving too slow!
This thread appears to have gone quite so I hope the OP does not mind if I hijack it.
The noise that Roy, the OP and a few others have mentioned is similar to a noise I am trying to track down on my '00 GTS. Roy's description is the closest to the noise mine is producing. However, I will say it is not the typical metal to metal high pitched ping but more of a dull creaking pop. The noise is definitely coming from the rear, as I had a helper listen outside of the car to verify. I will hear the noise in reverse just as I am letting the clutch out near to the top of the pedal, right when there is the most torque transfer in the drive line. I will also hear the noise under an aggressive down shifting but I have never really noticed it moving forward or up shifting.
I purchased the car five months ago and it has done it ever since. I recently changed both drive shaft u-joints, replaced the motor and transmission mounts, and during so I inspected all the bushings and ball joints (greased all zerks) of the rear suspension. I suppose the next step is to check the differential mounts and check the torque on all the bolts? I assume that if my noise is the same as Roy's then there is nothing to do but tell passengers (and myself) that "it's normal, it's a Dodge?"![]()
Tighten everything on the rear. Everything. Cheap starting point short of some big tools that you may not own for some of the bigger nuts.
Thanks Dave.We have a Viper Tech day coming up in the spring. Thats when i'm gonna have my Viper Tech do some more re-torquing.
Hey sapphirebob, when is the Viper Tech day? Would love to come. Can you shoot me a pm with the info?
This thread appears to have gone quite so I hope the OP does not mind if I hijack it.
The noise that Roy, the OP and a few others have mentioned is similar to a noise I am trying to track down on my '00 GTS. Roy's description is the closest to the noise mine is producing. However, I will say it is not the typical metal to metal high pitched ping but more of a dull creaking pop. The noise is definitely coming from the rear, as I had a helper listen outside of the car to verify. I will hear the noise in reverse just as I am letting the clutch out near to the top of the pedal, right when there is the most torque transfer in the drive line. I will also hear the noise under an aggressive down shifting but I have never really noticed it moving forward or up shifting.
I purchased the car five months ago and it has done it ever since. I recently changed both drive shaft u-joints, replaced the motor and transmission mounts, and during so I inspected all the bushings and ball joints (greased all zerks) of the rear suspension. I suppose the next step is to check the differential mounts and check the torque on all the bolts? I assume that if my noise is the same as Roy's then there is nothing to do but tell passengers (and myself) that "it's normal, it's a Dodge?"![]()
So I made the trip up to my Viper tech today and he went over the car with a torque wrench. Diff. mounting bolts, A-arm bolts, engine and tranny mounts, U-Joints etc. The noise I was hearing is still there. It has also seemed to change on me. Maybe it has always been that way and i'm just noticing it more since i'm paying more attention to it? I notice it going forward and backwards. I hear it just as first gear is catching. Now here is the funny thing about it. Hopefully you can follow this...When I let off the clutch slowly I hear the noise but if I let off the clutch quickly (not like i'm trying to do a quarter mile run, just going at a normal pace in traffic) it doesn't make the noise. So i'm at a loss. QuickSRT10/SRT8 had a Viper that did the same thing and all was fine so i'm thinking it's normal. Anyway...not sure what else it could be. Got a call in to "The Wizard" for tomorrow to see if he can come up with anything else. Any other suggestions....keep them coming.
Same noise as mine even the taking off from a stop difference. I have checked everything and still no solution. My 2000 has 48k miles now and it has done it for nearly 5k miles with track time included during my last year of ownership.