Irresponsible Leadership

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Aug 11, 2013
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The rats are always the first to jump ship. Keep that in mind as the money dwindles away.

97 Viper GTS

Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
Hard to believe I'm going to quote and agree with Free ..... And part 2 - how was that money allocated? $70k from sale, $40k from raffle, another cash infusion from the 50/50 current raffle?

Well if this was the VOA, it would simply be written up as "magazine" expenses. I know much has been spent on lawyers, but I think it's a fair question that should be answered by the new pres? When you look at the cost of these clubsm they aren't free to run, even with no hands in the cookie jar.


Aug 11, 2013
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Well if this was the VOA, it would simply be written up as "magazine" expenses. I know much has been spent on lawyers, but I think it's a fair question that should be answered by the new pres? When you look at the cost of these clubsm they aren't free to run, even with no hands in the cookie jar.

That's it? When I saw your username, I threw some popcorn into the microwave before I read the post. Was expecting something MUCH more incendiary....hahahaaaa


Nov 8, 2000
Reaction score
Dallas, TX US
Humorous. Well this is not new information, but membership dues do not cover the operations of either club, which is why both clubs have raffles, or are funded through profit on events. As you can see through our budget and through 990s, basic operations of these clubs aren't cheap. Heck, the website alone costs ~$2k a month, again, that's what both clubs spend, each.

So this roughly 100k you point out went towards club operations (as highlighted in our budget, which admittedly needs to be updated), 2 magazines (10k each), attorney's and CPA fees (related to the IRS and to the raffles themselves), IRS payments (another gift from the previous regime), and cash in the bank for future operations. Nothing salacious, I know it would have been much more fun if I had said "an all expense paid trip for the officers to France, duh, we deserve it."

I'll tell you what it did NOT go for: zero dollars went to pay for club officer trips, or inurement of ANY kind to any club officer.

97 Viper GTS

Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
Free, let me do better this time, go get your popcorn... Don't fret the fake outrage from those guys who are still whining over 2 year old spilled milk while they let the current thievry that is ongoing at the VOA- What's that you say>>>?

NVE1 > The VOA takes a free event from Dodge (yes free) adds about $100 of stuff onto it, charges $500 and does a questionable raffle for another $150 a ticket, profiting $250 off of unsuspecting members. Yes the raffle was so questionable that Dodge did not allow its employees to attend the event during the drawing. Did you guys wonder why they weren't there? I was there I was like where's ralph for this awesome occasion with the keystone cops and the mayor from mcdonaldland doing the drawing. Did you wonder why they waited untli the completion of the drawing to come in the room? Did you wonder why they kept calling to say "is it over is it over??"? It was simply because they did not want to be associated with another bonehead move by the same bunch of boneheads. But wait!>>>
NVE2 > The VOA takes a free event, puts about $300 of stuff in it, IMPLY there is a track day, gets a few people to sign up, and then say, "oh wait, there're no track day, that costs extra". So for $1k, you guys cant even tack on a track day out of your $700 per person profit? Are you that greedy to pay off your officers? Or are you just in that bad of financial shape that you have to pull off a bait and switch. Oh yea, I forgot the raffle, so $100 a ticket goes to the raffle, lets see if Dodge allows there people to be in the room then, watch for it.

Its despicable that these guys profit off events, the VCA always did it, and now those same guys are doing it again. The last VOI was not amazing, but for 1k, you got the best track in the world in a halfway decent city (and they lost money on the event), for 1k at the VOA, you get a crappy city, and not even a track day, and you get the knowledge that you are filling the emporers pocketbook of the tune of $500 per person.

But sure, lets try and draw attention to the real problem- the sale of VPA which never should have existed in the first place. Started by a bunch of greedy ********, run by greedy ********, sucked dry by pigs and ********, and finally put out of its misery (for you morons thats sarcasm), so yea lets worry where that paltry sum went, when the VOA stands to profit several times that from a single event, where they pulled a bait and switch. Also lets be clear, you have no choice, you cant attend and not allow them to unduly profit, you can attend or not attend, there is no third choice. So to enjoy your cool car, in a car club, you are forced to line their wallets, despicable.

Suckers, where's the outrage, or the coolaid is still sooo good> Now lets see, I see a thread at the VOA site still, where VOA officers state "boycott VOI13, its a sham, its despicable, its..." it's now time for the officers of the VCA to get their due and call out the VOA ini the same way, except this time it REALLY is underhanded, not just BS propaganda.
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Has Left the Room!
Mar 6, 2003
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Phoenix, AZ bye-bye IOWA
Shawn M - hidden agenda? Viper "owner" in Dallas? But you don't live in Dallas. And do you still even own a Viper?

Free - make it a supersize popcorn! :rolaugh:

PS - And a final point to your last paragraph so people can make an informed decision - I researched this mythical "boycott" thread you referred to that was closed over a year and a half ago. Nowhere in the 7 pages do any of the officers make any of those assertions. So who's the real sucker here Shawn and the real reason for starting this thread?
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97 Viper GTS

Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
Rocket- your dimwitted attacks against the messenger doesn;t change the message. But I'll follow your lead>You are an agent of Randalls Rainbow warriors, everyone knows it, the fact that you have not been banned here is a testament that this is really the only place for free speech. You are even allowed to recruit for the VOA here, and you don't get slapped.

I formally request this guy be removed, the only reason he is here is to sew division, bring drama, and continue the plan of the randall rainbow warriors to destroy the vca. He brings nothing positive to the table, and I will start flagging all his negative posts until you do censure him. 2300 posts of drivel, propaganda, and drama, time to cut the cord on this guy.


Has Left the Room!
Mar 6, 2003
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ bye-bye IOWA
Dimwitted attacks ... call the kettle black! :rolaugh:

So let's check the history of your awe-inspiring 123 posts since Feb 2005. And so Shawn (or whoever it is hiding behind the 97 Viper GTS name) the answer to you being a Viper owner living in Dallas is ???
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Has Left the Room!
Feb 25, 2010
Reaction score
Dothan, AL
I formally request this guy be removed, the only reason he is here is to sew division, bring drama, and continue the plan of the randall rainbow warriors to destroy the vca. He brings nothing positive to the table, and I will start flagging all his negative posts until you do censure him. 2300 posts of drivel, propaganda, and drama, time to cut the cord on this guy.

You formally request...........:lmao::lmao:

You're a ****ing nobody. Other than spewing innuendo, come up with some facts or piss off.


Jul 15, 2015
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Boys, boys, boys, this is just like watching high school girls argue over who is the prettiest. Lol:eater: :eater:


Legacy Member
VCA Member
Sep 26, 2010
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It's hard not to use my broom (sorry broom) and not do a little cleaning from time to time.
Oh and if I banned everyone that was requested to be banned, Broom would be the only one here

So enjoy your conversation, make your points and try and keep it civil

Make it a better day


Aug 28, 2005
Reaction score
Chandler AZ
It is nice to get some of the paranoid ranting back in the forums that were prevalent a couple of years ago. It was certainly entertaining then, and it is now. It is funny having the non-member above, who doesn't support this club, petitioning for a non-member to be banned from the VCA forum.

I am in for the show !!! :eater:

97 Viper GTS

Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
Now that we have two members of randallas rainbow brigade, white and rocket involved... Hey rocket is your support for the VOA kinde of like how you were manipulating which region of the VCA you would join to finagle a $100 discount to VOI? Of course this is right after you were petitioning to be a national member only since you hated teh region you actually lived in?

So basically your an opportunist for cheap, how much does randall pay you guys to wail on the VCA? Is it by post or it it for a period of time?

As to my membership or ownership, you're right, not a member of either club, on the sidelines like 2000 others, and of course I still own a viper, not that THAt matters, as I clearly have more facts&insight than all of the rainbow brigade combined, simnce you guys actually believe the drivel that comes from your leader as factual > Duh, it's not boneheads.

So go ahead, keep attacking the messenger, I have lots more to go on you guys. And white, what I posted is actual facts that are verified through multiple parties, not innuendo, please consult a dictionary on what those words mean before you use them. If you have proof that these facts are not genuine, please by all means, post them, or does that go against your leaders rules about only posting negative posts?


Has Left the Room!
Feb 25, 2010
Reaction score
Dothan, AL
Just because you say so, does not make them facts hero. The burden of proof is on you, not me. Keep on trolling, it's what you do best.


Nov 8, 2000
Reaction score
Dallas, TX US
ok! Before this devolves into "my dad can beat up your dad" it's time to close this down. Interesting points all. There are 2 open points I want to close that are open:
1) No we will not censure those we don't agree with, we'll leave that to others. I don't personally agree with some, but I don't have the right to shut them down assuming they follow the rules, dissenting opinions are valued, even if wrong or flat out ill-intentioned
2) VOI 13 was a great event. For under $1k, you got a world class track in a world class city. It was a great product, designed to run at a small loss, not a profit. However you're right. The VOA was merciless against it. Both officers and members alike had a coordinated attack against the event (my favorite was the parade lap lie). The attacks were effective and attendance was lackluster (and then they had they gall to ridicule the low attendance, apparently as a show of patting themselves on the back). Then the 2 raffles came around, and once again, the ugliness of those in charge at the VOA once again coordinated an attack, which was designed to damage the VCA. They did indeed cause this result, and raffle ticket sales are slow (and once again they shower themselves in congratulation of the pain they cause other Viper owners). Great products, great pricing, and there is a market, but wow, when you make up a ton of lies about something and pretend them to be factual, people do indeed listen. Yes, all this has been easily documented, provided to counsel, and inded the recommendation is to attempt to recover these damages incurred by the intentional tortious interference by the VOA.

So here we are, it's now the VCA's turn to create a narrative to cause damage to the VOA, and use the VOA playbook of wanton destruction for a few people's gain, ready:

Unlike the VOA who treat you like children and tell you what to think through deception and shaming, I like to think you are all lucky enough or smart enough to own a Viper. IMO that means you can make your own damn mind up. If you think this is a good event at a good price, and you are satisfied how the money is being used, and will be a great time, awesome, have fun. I have a personal opinion, and I might even have a few facts from some leaked emails, but unlike those guys, it's not my place to tell you what to do, nor do I believe that my opinion somehow matters.

More importantly, is it in the best interest of Viper owners to destroy a Viper event? Since day 1 of the VOAs formation it has been bent on the destruction of the VCA (in addtion, admittedly, to serving Viper Owners), imagine where we would be if they did indeed focus on the owners solely instead of trying to destroy another club? Well we woudn't have 2 clubs, we wouldn't be 1-2000 members short, and we probably wouldn't be facing the death of the car.

This is the very definition of a Pyrrhic victory. Yup, they screwed up a VOI, and 2 raffles, good job, pat yourselves on the back on the way towards the bright future of the Chevy Nova club.
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