Any early news regarding possible get togethers / events? Is there a newsletter available for the New England area? Thanks.
No they just passed my house in Kansas City bound for a more Viper Friendly climate.You didnt get the memo?
Don't get me going on weather issues . . . . I was daydreaming looking at a map last night wondering how nice the temps are in different states. I kept repeating if I were here, or here, or here, I'd be driving the V10 right now.
Hey Nuked, it was 78 degrees today in beautiful Redding, Ca. Needless to say, I took
my Viper out for a great 80 mile run in the nearby Trinity Alps. What a great day!
Wish you could have joined me and my friends.
Hey Nuked!!!!!!! keep your eye on the New England website..... The front page will have the next event on it.....and then the full years calander is there as well go check it out.....Also if you are a vca member you will get our newsletter make sure i have your email addy.... Send to me at [email protected] Think Warm.........
Jerry, Will do. I heard from Joe Mori earlier and he was very helpful. Think warm? Hell, I've circled the calendar and decided I'm taking her out April 12th NO MATTER WHAT!!!
Hi Nuke, are you taking your car out on the 12th, I might be interested.Weather permitting