About two months ago I ordered a fuel filter from the local Dodge dealer and replaced it on my 97 GTS. Let me say what a wonderful way to get acquainted with the underside of my snake, and the taste of gas It wasnt fun but I finished and all was well. Fast foward to this past saturday when I am installing my new radio. I have to turn the key onto acc a few times in succession to test the unit and make sure all functions well. Just when the wiring appears to be in order and I turn the key to acc to test the radio I hear a big splash like a bucket of water dumping on the ground. I immediately discover it was gas and that my fuel line had burst at the top connection on the fuel filter. I threw a bucket under the car after removing the rear wheel to catch the gas (mower was out anyway ) and tried to connect the filter again. It clicked and i primed the fuel system only to hear an even louder bursting sound and more mower fuel... I used a pick tool to modify the clips inside the filter and reconnected it successfuly. The line held thru a full tank of gas on sunday. My question is how common is this, should I replace the filter out of paranoia? Or should all be well?
I wasnt able to find any specific examples of my situation searching the forum and this situation makes me too nervous to drive my car.
I wasnt able to find any specific examples of my situation searching the forum and this situation makes me too nervous to drive my car.