Is this guy nuts?


Jul 15, 2015
Reaction score
Yes, that guy is nuts. He has had that car on eBay for awhile. Even though there are very few Stryker Red Cars. Still it's to pricey.
He can list it for whatever he wants but no one has to buy it. He is unrealistic.


Legacy Member
VCA Member
Sep 26, 2010
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I see he is asking more now. There is a thread on here somewhere where he was trying to sell it


Aug 11, 2013
Reaction score
This guy is one of those rare individuals who raises his price based on disinterest. He's at this point now where he is angry at his peers for not validating his delusional behavior and seems to mock them in his sales ad. The only thing I want to do now is take a monster $hit on the hood of that car.....


Aug 28, 2005
Reaction score
Chandler AZ
The user name and location listing on eBay at the ultra high price is a different one than the one that originally listed it asking MSRP. I suspect it is just a joker making fun of the owner thinking that a Viper could be a car that does not plummet in value

steve e

Oct 23, 1995
Reaction score
Just came from Frys the food store, milk is 1.87 a gallon not good for the red Viper. And if your a senior you get 15% off that.:D


Aug 11, 2013
Reaction score
Just came from Frys the food store, milk is 1.87 a gallon not good for the red Viper. And if your a senior you get 15% off that.:D

I noticed another guy on eBay selling his Stryker Red for $123k. I think even that is a bit unrealistic.


Aug 11, 2013
Reaction score
Aside from the 92, the 96 GTS, and the 99ACR.....the 2017 ACRE is gonna be the keeper in my book.

steve e

Oct 23, 1995
Reaction score
If history repeats itself, all old Vipers will be worth something, look what old Vetts go for and they made thousands of them each year. Time will tell.

Purple Haze

Jan 17, 2017
Reaction score
He started months ago at $130K but would take less as it said "best offer". When it didn't sell he relisted a few times. Then 200K, then 170 K whatever. Love the color though in person it's crazy cool. He gets offended if you message him read his selling notes...


Mar 18, 2016
Reaction score
Seems like the a small group of disgruntled "viper owners" (hahahaha...right) spend most of their time looking at products they can't purchase with their EBT cards. Almost makes one feel a bit sorry for them...

Yes, that guy is nuts. He has had that car on eBay for awhile. Even though there are very few Stryker Red Cars. Still it's to pricey.
He can list it for whatever he wants but no one has to buy it. He is unrealistic.

Please give us a breakdown of what constitutes "too pricey" for a niche, hand-built, high-performance car that is now out of production and unlikely to ever come back again in a form that resembles its current raw nature. And while you are working on that, be sure it include a breakdown of why Vipers being sold for half their MSRP when being just 4-5 years old is not "too cheapy".

I see he is asking more now. There is a thread on here somewhere where he was trying to sell it

Sorry KiaJeff, looks like your dream of owning a Viper just isn't going to manifest. There are other threads on here where you get triggered and cry about your life and how pathetic you feel each time you are confronted with a mirror...and then somehow project this onto the Viper. True case study in psychosis.

No, he's just a douchbag...

Sound pretty triggered. Did you wear your little pink hat when you typed that? What Happened

This guy is one of those rare individuals who raises his price based on disinterest. He's at this point now where he is angry at his peers for not validating his delusional behavior and seems to mock them in his sales ad. The only thing I want to do now is take a monster $hit on the hood of that car.....

So you're mad about not being able to afford THAT Viper, or not being able to afford ANY Viper? I think it's really important to make this distinction... or did you post this seeking validation from your peers, perhaps sharing a few tampons as you cry over the price of a car you are unable to purchase?

He thinks he has something really special. He doesn't.

Your mom thinks its special.

The user name and location listing on eBay at the ultra high price is a different one than the one that originally listed it asking MSRP. I suspect it is just a joker making fun of the owner thinking that a Viper could be a car that does not plummet in value

Ultra high price? I love how buffoons look at the cheapest Viper listed, without any consideration as to why it is cheap, and then expect that all other Vipers should be priced within 10% of the cheapest one. Seems that we have a lot of older gen viper owners mad that their cars are being sold for less than camaros.

hes out of his mind and a complete ass

OH SNAP! Plumcrazy gettin real crazy with words. Vocab expansion on display!

Just came from Frys the food store, milk is 1.87 a gallon not good for the red Viper. And if your a senior you get 15% off that.:D

Sounds like someone who's old, drinks milk by the gallon and drools uncontrollably is all set then.

He started months ago at $130K but would take less as it said "best offer". When it didn't sell he relisted a few times. Then 200K, then 170 K whatever. Love the color though in person it's crazy cool. He gets offended if you message him read his selling notes...

Seems like the only ones getting offended are the 2 or 3 active posters on this dead site, none of whom actually own Vipers.

A more pressing matter is the questionable mental health of the posters here...simple quiz:

- Why would you message a seller that is selling something that you are not going to buy?
- Why would you then get butthurt if the seller confirms the fact that you are a ***** for doing so?
- If nobody buys the item at the price it's listed, how is that your problem or concern in any way?
- If someone does buy the item at the price it's listed, again, your problem or concern how?

Depending on the answers, we get, we may need to commit some of these people before they snap and shoot up a church or school. I get a sense that Milky McMilkerson is right on the edge...if one day he has to pay $1.99 per gallon after this 15% "one foot in the grave" discount, he may just decide it's time for some kind of reckoning.

Purple Haze

Jan 17, 2017
Reaction score
I am not going to comment on anything here, but this...Stryker Red is an awesome color I do want to say that. Only one I saw was at the plant the red jumps out at you. High or low price, it's a bad ass color...


Staff member
Mar 30, 2017
Reaction score
I am not going to comment on anything here, but this...Stryker Red is an awesome color I do want to say that. Only one I saw was at the plant the red jumps out at you. High or low price, it's a bad ass color...

Totally agree! It is a pretty nice stand out color.


Mar 18, 2016
Reaction score
I am not going to comment on anything here, but this...Stryker Red is an awesome color I do want to say that. Only one I saw was at the plant the red jumps out at you. High or low price, it's a bad ass color...

Yeah, you are entirely correct about this. SR is a color that cannot be appreciated without seeing it in person, and it's a color that even non-car people will not be able to stop staring at. The other stryker colors, while nice, are nothing like the original. The small group of people who realize this and decide they want a SR Viper will understand why it commands a premium.

If I was buying a gen 5 Viper today, I'd EASILY be willing to pay at or near MSRP for a pre-owned SR in great condition. I'd be a fool not to, and if I was selling one, I'd say the seller is a complete idiot for not at least asking that much. If I was buying a gen 5 in 3-5 years from today, I'd EXPECT a SR to be selling for well over MSRP. Why? Besides color, there is nothing else significant differentiating Vipers that cannot easily be changed by the owner. They all have the same bones, same engine, same trans, etc.

You can bolt on the TA's revised suspension/brakes, the ACR's aero kit, but you can't repaint a Viper to true OE spec SR. Call Prefix and ask them for a quote. They'll tell you they don't do the original SR paint formulation, but they can get you close and it will cost ~$30K+ depending on how much prep work needs to be done...and even if you did all that, it's still not a legit OE SR and the color will mismatch the VIN, typically lowering the car's value or forcing it to be sold as a "replica", also at lower price.

But hey, let's make threads on the Viper forums displaying unhinged ignorance/spite/jealousy, trashing Viper owners/sellers...then wonder why there's nothing but crickets and tumbleweeds here. Karma struck this place pretty hard and threads like this are no doubt a big part of why. smh


Legacy Member
VCA Member
Sep 26, 2010
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I agree with parts of what you said. The one truth in buying and selling any car is a car is only worth what buyer is willing to pay. You may find you’re gotta have this buyer, however, not all buyers gotta have. I still think you’re too high, but so was the Vooodoo II that ended up going over seas for a 1/4 mil. Good luck

steve e

Oct 23, 1995
Reaction score
Great post, but I am not that old, but I do drink a lot of milk, and truth be told I would love to see the prices go up on all Vipers, and I think they will as time gos by, and the red looks cool but to me over priced at this time.


Aug 28, 2005
Reaction score
Chandler AZ
The user name and location listing on eBay at the ultra high price is a different one than the one that originally listed it asking MSRP. I suspect it is just a joker making fun of the owner thinking that a Viper could be a car that does not plummet in value

Ultra high price? I love how buffoons look at the cheapest Viper listed, without any consideration as to why it is cheap, and then expect that all other Vipers should be priced within 10% of the cheapest one. Seems that we have a lot of older gen viper owners mad that their cars are being sold for less than camaros.

So, you are calling me a buffoon because I thought someone copied your $129,000 eBay auction ad and posted the exact same photos at $200,000 with a different seller name? This happening after the jokers on Viper Alley went goofy with your post there? It sure looked like something that one of them would have done. I happen to agree with you that you can ask whatever price you want. I do not care. I assumed that because you listed it at $129,000 and then a different eBay seller name listed it at $70,000 higher that is much higher. Sorry if I offended you by using the term ultra high.


Aug 11, 2013
Reaction score
I laugh at all the time you spent posting individualized responses complete with psychoanalysis. It reminds me of that ridiculous description you put in your eBay ad that had Personality Disorder written all over it. Let me inform you that your car is old news. Nobody gives a $hit about a hyper inflated 2013 Stryker Red paint job. I wouldn't buy that hunk of spun bearing $hit for $80k I don't care how "brilliant" it looks at certain angles. Oh, I forgot, you're not marketing the car to sane individuals who understand that the value of your car won't be $200k for another 65 years. You're marketing to goat ******* oil sheiks who would drive it for a month then abandon it next to a bombed out building as soon as it threw a code.


Aug 11, 2013
Reaction score
Well I guess that sums that up.:D

Hey, this guy is the antithesis of a good marketer. I personally have never paid a premium for anything when it's attached to an unreasonable fuqstik.


Mar 18, 2016
Reaction score
So, you are calling me a buffoon because I thought someone copied your $129,000 eBay auction ad and posted the exact same photos at $200,000 with a different seller name? This happening after the jokers on Viper Alley went goofy with your post there? It sure looked like something that one of them would have done. I happen to agree with you that you can ask whatever price you want. I do not care. I assumed that because you listed it at $129,000 and then a different eBay seller name listed it at $70,000 higher that is much higher. Sorry if I offended you by using the term ultra high.

The buffoonery stems from the fact that people expect Vipers to be priced according to the lowest one for sale or what some fool on a message board claims (typically a non-owner who blows text out of his anus), often times without even looking at why some of them are going for $65-$70K. Is $200K "ultra high" for a car that's more exclusive, better looking, and better performing than cars costing at least that much? Because clearly MSRP is irrelevant if we're OK with 50% drop in just a couple years, so if we're not using MSRP for gauging what is too low, it certainly isn't going to be a ceiling either. Don't worry, I don't get offended.

I laugh at all the time you spent posting individualized responses complete with psychoanalysis.

As opposed to what...posting a single reply to each post I wanted to respond to? It took very little time.

It reminds me of that ridiculous description you put in your eBay ad that had Personality Disorder written all over it.

Quite funny that you're projecting your mental disorder onto me, as if you're not the creeper in soiled sweat pants with no underwear watching my little pony reruns on hulu...laying in a bed that's vaguely shaped like a race car and covered in cheetos crumbs.

Let me inform you that your car is old news.

Agreed. It's an instant classic.

Nobody gives a $hit about a hyper inflated 2013 Stryker Red paint job. I wouldn't buy that hunk of spun bearing $hit for $80k I don't care how "brilliant" it looks at certain angles.

I'm not so sure that "nobody gives a $hit" - you sure seem to. Also, small typo there...the word you wanted was "couldn't buy". Couldn't. That's why you're so mad.

Oh, I forgot, you're not marketing the car to sane individuals who understand that the value of your car won't be $200k for another 65 years.

So you're the barometer for "sanity" now? Aww, that's precious. Why don't you give us your expert valuation then?

You're marketing to goat ******* oil sheiks who would drive it for a month then abandon it next to a bombed out building as soon as it threw a code.

I get it, goats remind you of my little ponies and you want to **** them. Maybe it's time for a vacation?


I agree with parts of what you said. The one truth in buying and selling any car is a car is only worth what buyer is willing to pay. You may find you’re gotta have this buyer, however, not all buyers gotta have. I still think you’re too high, but so was the Vooodoo II that ended up going over seas for a 1/4 mil. Good luck

Can you give me a good reason why someone who owns an SR looking to sell it should let it go for anything less than something in the ballpark of orignal MSRP? What are options does a buyer have they REALLY want one? Throw a tantrum like free2go in the hopes that the seller just lowers the price? I don't think that's going to work. I guess they could just wait and hope a sucker appears and lets one go cheap.

Great post, but I am not that old, but I do drink a lot of milk, and truth be told I would love to see the prices go up on all Vipers, and I think they will as time gos by, and the red looks cool but to me over priced at this time.

The price is only going up...and with central banksters planning to implode the financial markets soon, USD buying power going to evaporate. Now is a good time to acquire REAL property and divest of fiat currency.

Hey, this guy is the antithesis of a good marketer. I personally have never paid a premium for anything when it's attached to an unreasonable fuqstik.

We often talk about a FCA working to mandate a higher end dealership experience for SRT vehicles and the Viper, then you realize free2go is the kind of guy that usually stumbles into a random Dodge dealer...often smelling of stale cigarettes and wild turkey, muttering something about the vending machine being all out of animal crackers. Doubtful that the concept of "premium" anything is even a passing thought in his mind as he leans over to puke into the open window of a Dart. :D


Aug 26, 2017
Reaction score
Fairfax, VA
I remember the last time I was unemployed and was looking for something to pass the time. I think that was 1985 in between working at BK and KMart. Instead, I found a girlfriend ;) Guess things and people are different today...well back to making cash to buy the next.....


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