Nice post Rick and best wishes in everything you do. An option you did not list was a junior membership if you get a mini Viper for the baby. That coupled with your prior ownership, membership and fellowship ought to count for something. Good Luck!
A few more months for me. Really the only reason I've hung around is to meet my 8 yr anniversary so I can get in.
Edit: I've been here almost 8 years? Holy crap. I feel old now.
If you want info about the car mechanics I would trust an enthusiasts response. If you want the latest car wax and/or car show locations then the VCA member would be the source for that non sense.
I agree with you 100%....I guess the next obvious question would be...If the VCA Board were to suddenly implement this benefit to former Viper Owners. How long should you be a member in order to be eligible for this benefit?
I think that former members should at least have CONSECUTIVE membership for at least 5 years. 5 years seems to be the best number because it shows a commitment to the club and the car. And anyone who has been a member of the club that long will more than likely be buying another Viper at their earliest convenience....
What are your thoughts on this?....
I here what you are saying Rick. I joined the VCA in 2002 and became Viperless almost 2 years ago. I contacted the "Prez" and in a nutshell he said that owning a Viper is a requirement for membership. I did suggest having a different "tagline" for past Viper owners (instead of enthusiast) but that was not an option. I even said that I would be more that willing to support the VCA through higher, non-viper owner, dues but that fell on deaf ears. So in my mind, the VCA is throwing money away by not letting past owners retain membership. Their loss.
Rick, exact same thing just happened to me. A member advised me to email [email protected] as I did not receive any notice, and I got back response's from 3 different VCA people, all on a Sunday too! Anyway, they sent me a password for the Renew! button next to 'Forums...gave my credit card and was instantly renewed. HERE'S THE INTERESTING point regarding your bylaw comment. I'm Viperless since June (although I do have a Gen V on order), and had no problem renewing, wasn't even asked. I'm guessing the VIN# requirement, is only for when you first join VCA ??[/QUOTE]
In our emails, I suggested checking your email's SPAM settings to make certain the VCA email address is not being filtered out, as well as my email.More often than not, I've found that those folks not receiving the VCA renewal reminder emails find the emails in their SPAM folder.
You should not have been able to renew as a member if you no longer have a Viper. Technically, you are an "illegal member" at the moment. For sake of political correctness, we'll call you and "Undocumented Member".I suspect that when the VIN's are verified you will see a change in status. But you bring up an important point: You are in-between Vipers, you're a former Viper owner and member and you wish to continue supporting the club in the meantime. I think this needs to be addressed. However, if you have a Viper on order (VON), you can renew.