Jeff Torrey
It\'s My Story & I\'m Stickin\' To It
Last Month I was out for a ride/errand in the Viper.
So a Older Dodge minivan passes me going the opposite direction on a back road. Driver is hanging out the window. I had my left directional on to take a turn.
So I get where I'm going -park the car. Walking up to a friend's house.
Hi there... you who, exuse me, hello. Is that your car?
Yes. Can we take a video. Sure, no problem.
You see, sir: My nephew is here from France, and he said that he was not going back to France until he saw an American Sports Car called a Dodge Viper.
Aunt; He made me take him to a local dealer- but no Vipers.
Well out of the minivan pops a 10 year old boy. He says; What year is that?
This is a 92. He pipes up... Thats the first year!
A 10 year old in France knows that 92 as the first year Dodge made the Viper. This kid just got an invitation to sit behind the wheel.
So he climbs in and everybody is all smiles. The camera is running and everyone is happy. Lots of small talk. We wrap thing up.
I climb in and off I go.
As suggested earlier in the week- A Dodge Viper Holds its own. I believe in the same class as Ferrari, Porshe.
Loved round the world.
Last Month I was out for a ride/errand in the Viper.
So a Older Dodge minivan passes me going the opposite direction on a back road. Driver is hanging out the window. I had my left directional on to take a turn.
So I get where I'm going -park the car. Walking up to a friend's house.
Hi there... you who, exuse me, hello. Is that your car?
Yes. Can we take a video. Sure, no problem.
You see, sir: My nephew is here from France, and he said that he was not going back to France until he saw an American Sports Car called a Dodge Viper.
Aunt; He made me take him to a local dealer- but no Vipers.
Well out of the minivan pops a 10 year old boy. He says; What year is that?
This is a 92. He pipes up... Thats the first year!
A 10 year old in France knows that 92 as the first year Dodge made the Viper. This kid just got an invitation to sit behind the wheel.
So he climbs in and everybody is all smiles. The camera is running and everyone is happy. Lots of small talk. We wrap thing up.
I climb in and off I go.
As suggested earlier in the week- A Dodge Viper Holds its own. I believe in the same class as Ferrari, Porshe.
Loved round the world.