A total of 42,643 people died in traffic accidents last year, down from 43,005 the year before and marking the first drop in fatalities in six years, Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta said in a news conference. He noted that because Americans also drove more than ever, the rate of fatalities per 100 million miles traveled dropped to an all-time low of 1.48.
(Washington Post)
Don't see street racing listed anywhere, unless that's part of the 40% of fatalities that involve alcohol. Almost as many Americans die each year on the road as died in the entire Vietnam conflict. Which is why the real issue should be whether or not a Presidential candidate drives, not whether or not he served in the war. Cheers!
There you go, Cop Magnet has the numbers. Now what percentage of 42,643 involves street racing? I don't condone street racing but I also know the fatalities aren't as high as heart disease. I want Big Carrot to honestly tell me he never hit the gas while somebody was trying to go around him, someone tailgating, or messing around along side in the next lane. I believe if he answers yes to any of these then he could be given a citation for street racing. This car is way to tempting.