We have many great guys in the viper community but lately (I'm sure always has) Jon has gone out of his way to HELP us owners!/ME ESPECIALLY!
I have to take at least an hour soon (soon Jon I promise!) to post a real complete positive experience that I recently had.He saved me alot of money on an exhaust (never bought it!).I'll explain later.
(AS an aside,Larry Macedo saved me 45 GRAND! this past week) because he looked at a car for me and strongly advised not to go through with the deal.THANKS LARRY!
Back to Jon.In the last week Jon has called me 3 times after 9pm EST. ON his own time and once while on his cell from Detriot! just yesterday.
He LOVES TO CHAT! His naysayers say he does not give you time to talk or ask questions and he is rude,grumpy,etc... but my 3 minute voice mail message from him on my cell messages disproves that. He also calls or answers his phone even during a load day.Awesome! What GREAT SERVICE! In the 3 minutes I listened to his message I learned several things actually.
Jon gives the best advice possible.His knowledge is awesome.He gets little credit for his HONESTY (some take that as rude?) but he always means well and is always trying to save you big money.I have only known Jon for a year and at least 3 times he advised me not to spend my money on upgrades etc... He ended up being correct each time.
ps-I think Jon must be my older brother?? as we have the exact same way of relating! lol.
I have to take at least an hour soon (soon Jon I promise!) to post a real complete positive experience that I recently had.He saved me alot of money on an exhaust (never bought it!).I'll explain later.
(AS an aside,Larry Macedo saved me 45 GRAND! this past week) because he looked at a car for me and strongly advised not to go through with the deal.THANKS LARRY!
Back to Jon.In the last week Jon has called me 3 times after 9pm EST. ON his own time and once while on his cell from Detriot! just yesterday.
He LOVES TO CHAT! His naysayers say he does not give you time to talk or ask questions and he is rude,grumpy,etc... but my 3 minute voice mail message from him on my cell messages disproves that. He also calls or answers his phone even during a load day.Awesome! What GREAT SERVICE! In the 3 minutes I listened to his message I learned several things actually.
Jon gives the best advice possible.His knowledge is awesome.He gets little credit for his HONESTY (some take that as rude?) but he always means well and is always trying to save you big money.I have only known Jon for a year and at least 3 times he advised me not to spend my money on upgrades etc... He ended up being correct each time.
ps-I think Jon must be my older brother?? as we have the exact same way of relating! lol.