It made Jon laugh, so I am posting it again here.
On behalf of Viper brother Jon B, my thoughts are: Jon is a genius at getting free publicity. He has the uncanny ability to know when someone calling him is thin skinned. He then deteremines if it has been long enough since the last "JonB is Rude" post. If it has been long enough, the sensitive one is then treated to a course of JonB abruptness which results in a bunch of free publicity and testimonials from the many people, including me, that JonB has helped over the years. I, for one, hope that he never changes. He's one of a kind. His prices are low because his overhead is low. If he hires some smooth talking salesperson, he will have to pay that person and his prices will go up. Besides, he is old enough to have womenapause ( the PC way to say "menapause" for men ) and that may be part of the problem. LOL. Hi Jon. I hope that you have enjoyed this thread.