just curious???


Viper Owner
Apr 1, 2009
Reaction score
p.e.i canada
I just bought a 02 gts graphite with silver stripes just wondering how many of these were made in 02?? Thanks! This is my first post hello guys!!


Legacy\Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 1997
Reaction score
Columbia River Gorge
I just bought a 02 gts graphite with silver stripes just wondering how many of these were made in 02?? Thanks! This is my first post hello guys!!

If I can call you HAPPY, you can call me *****!

918 total GTS built 2002, and in your Graphite/Stripe = 60; + 22 more as ACR = 82

WELCOME !! Where are you? Where / How did you find your snake? If you wanna know ANYTHING ELSE, call me and ask for *****! [And if I dont know the real answer I'll make something up.....]

Back at VOI-7 in Nashville, the Graphite Group had their own row in the hotel parking lot! I had only seen ONE graphite til that time, but to see 10-15 all at once was quite a sight. Maybe someone has a photo to post?
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Viper Owner
Apr 1, 2009
Reaction score
p.e.i canada
how fu@#king awesome is that only 60 made and i have one of them that makes me Happy!! I bought it in illnois from x2 builders i need a few parts to fix it up. But ill get it fixed right over time anyone know of any other places reasonable for parts?? Thansk alot guys allways wanted one and finally do now!


how fu@#king awesome is that only 60 made and i have one of them that makes me Happy!! I bought it in illnois from x2 builders i need a few parts to fix it up. But ill get it fixed right over time anyone know of any other places reasonable for parts?? Thansk alot guys allways wanted one and finally do now!

All vendors, reviews, and contact information are in this section:


Are you fixing it up to keep? Where are you located?
Be sure and join the VCA. The illustrated section may come in handy for you.

Mopar Boy

Nov 2, 2007
Reaction score
Ontario and Ohio
Congrats on the purchase!

And yes, if you plan on keeping it, join the VCA! Was the best thing you can ever do! Great people. Great info. Great meets!



Viper Owner
Apr 1, 2009
Reaction score
p.e.i canada
yes fixing it to keep and im from Canada East Coast!! What are alot of you guys running in your cars for oil??? What seems to be a good brand to go with??


yes fixing it to keep and im from Canada East Coast!! What are alot of you guys running in your cars for oil??? What seems to be a good brand to go with??

Try the search button on the top and plug in oil*.
(You must use an asterisk because it's not long enough for the search to pick up;))
Comes up with all kinds of threads where this is discussed like this:

Here is a contact for Quebec and some Vipers in your area:
VIPER CLUB OF AMERICA QUEBEC, Home of fastest cars on earth


Aug 28, 2005
Reaction score
Chandler AZ
What are alot of you guys running in your cars for oil??? What seems to be a good brand to go with??
Here is a thread that I've bookmarked that has some good info on oil: http://forums.viperclub.org/rt-10-gts-discussions/613241-10w30-0w40-synthetic-oil-gen-2-a.html As a result, I use 0W-40. Read all of what our resident oil expert, Tom, F&L GoR has to say.

You will also find that JonB (posted above) is an expert in all things Viper and great vendor for almost any part. Also, Chuck Tator is expert in all things Viper on the East Coast and also a highly respected vendor, in addition to quite a few others here. You can trust any of the vendors supporting this site, and you will discover that they provide the best value for your dollar !!!!!! They usually have the best price, or they are so close that it is not worth going to a cheaper place. You support them, and they support you with advice that is worth much more than any piddling savings you might get elsewhere (in addition to providing parts for a very low production vehicle).

Congatulations on your new acquisition, and you obviously have impeccable taste !!


Legacy\Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 1997
Reaction score
Columbia River Gorge
..............You can trust any of the vendors supporting this site, and you will discover that they provide the best value for your dollar !!!!!! They usually have the best price, or they are so close that it is not worth going to a cheaper place. You support them, and they support you with advice that is worth much more than any piddling savings you might get elsewhere (in addition to providing parts for a very low production vehicle).

WOW ! I have been longing to hear our VCA National and Regional officers, Web Moderators, and Web Commitee adopt this very attitude as an official position, with just such a ringing endorsement of those vendors who BRING YOU THIS VERY SITE, as well as sponsor events and such. "Half of all advertising is wasted"...... unless the Bosses here make it worth more.

If "VIPER TOWN" is to survive, the above attitude is essential for your VCA vendors to prevail. THANK YOU AZTVR, whoever you are !!! You made my DAY, and that of every paying sponsor here. I may knock off early!
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Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
California, East Bay
If I can call you HAPPY, you can call me *****!

918 total GTS built 2002, and in your Graphite/Stripe = 60; + 22 more as ACR = 82

WELCOME !! Where are you? Where / How did you find your snake? If you wanna know ANYTHING ELSE, call me and ask for *****! [And if I dont know the real answer I'll make something up.....]

Back at VOI-7 in Nashville, the Graphite Group had their own row in the hotel parking lot! I had only seen ONE graphite til that time, but to see 10-15 all at once was quite a sight. Maybe someone has a photo to post?

*****? No way! I think I speak for most here when I say I've always had you pegged for... Sneezy! :D

...at least Tues-Sun :rolaugh:


Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
WOW ! I have been longing to hear our VCA National and Regional officers, Web Moderators, and Web Commitee adopt this very attitude as an official position, with just such a ringing endorsement of those vendors who BRING YOU THIS VERY SITE, as well as sponsor events and such. "Half of all advertising is wasted"...... unless the Bosses here make it worth more.

To JonB and all of our treasured Site Supporters:

We greatly appreciate your paid advertising and that you are taking advantage of some of the absolute lowest advertising rates on the internet today. In return we do our best to limit other advertising such as Google ads, active text, or banners for everything from tooth whiteners to Toyota's - as found on another Viper site.

What the club doesn't do is "endorse" a vendor per se as it basically implies that we are for sale. A prime example is a former advertiser that easily outspent even PartsRack before they got into all sorts of legal troubles. If the VCA were to have "endorsed" that vendor we could have potentially been lumped into some of those lawsuits as well. Look at how we got burned by RSI in one of our raffles - never again.

A couple other examples on the opposite end are Woodhouse Dodge and Doug Levin Motorsports. Both are longtime advertisers and both have contributed tens of thousands of dollars to the VCA's bottom line - Woodhouse is probably in excess of $100K by now. Both provide tons of great advice for free and neither one asks for endorsements from the VCA, nor jumps on as many posts as possible to steer business their way. Indeed, I have personally bought three Vipers from Woodhouse and have a DLM Stage XVII package on my car (okay, no idea what the stage is - but it's fast!), and yet as National President I never come out and post unsolicited endorsements of them - much less ask the VCA to do so.

The bottom line is that THE biggest financial supporter of this site and many of the larger events is..... (drum roll please)..... the National VCA. Not to single PartsRack out, but their full year of advertising doesn't even pay for two weeks of supporting this site. Yet the forums are dominated by posts from both PartsRack and PartsRack customers/supporters. Likewise, the moderators and website staff answer more complaints from PartsRack about posts from other vendors, potential vendors, or even other vendor's customers than all of the other advertisers combined - and multiplied by ten.

Folks, we hope you will always consider our advertisers for your Viper needs. We also know that many owners are without jobs or feeling a financial pinch right now. As such, we won't suggest that you pay more for a "commodity" item if it can be found for less elsewhere. Many of our advertisers offer unique Viper products or services that are definitely worth considering. Some, like PartsRack, will even throw in extra goodies or super-fast shipping to keep you as a customer and post nice things about them. Please consider PartsRack and all of our advertisers for your Viper needs.

And one final note: The very best way you can support this site is by becoming a VCA member. Heck, the "VCA trifecta" would be to join the club, choose the Venom option, and then buy some raffle tickets for our latest raffle. That is truly what makes this site possible, as well as allowing us to help fund events around the globe. As always, we greatly appreciate our advertisers and hope they are enjoying the tremendous value they get from this site.

PS. to "happy" - sorry your thread got so viciously highjacked and welcome to the wonderful world of Viper ownership!


Legacy\Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 1997
Reaction score
Columbia River Gorge
Y2K5SRT;2678222[B said:
]......To JonB and all of our treasured Site Supporters: We greatly appreciate your paid advertising......... Folks, we hope you will always consider our advertisers for your Viper needs.

{emphasis added}

That is ALL I was asking for! Thank you so very much for your treasured support of your long-term advertisors. If I had 200+ cars to sell, Id sell VCA some at cost too..... to save you $100K over time. We need multi-million dollar mega-sponsors and BOB WOODHOUSE set a wonderful tone at the top, didnt he?

PS you ALWAYS overlook what PartsRack chooses to do for the REGIONS and ZONES. Since VCA Treasury does not get our money and merchandise YOU DONT COUNT IT!!!!

The tone at the top is so important, and you certainly set the tone here.....
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Legacy\Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 1997
Reaction score
Columbia River Gorge
........A couple other examples on the opposite end are Woodhouse Dodge and Doug Levin Motorsports. Both are longtime advertisers and both have contributed tens of thousands of dollars to the VCA's bottom line - Woodhouse is probably in excess of $100K by now. Both provide tons of great advice for free and neither one asks for endorsements from the VCA, nor jumps on as many posts as possible to steer business their way.

Indeed, I have personally bought three Vipers from Woodhouse and have a DLM Stage XVII package on my car (okay, no idea what the stage is - but it's fast!), and yet as National President I never come out and post unsolicited endorsements of them - much less ask the VCA to do so. The bottom line is that THE biggest financial supporter of this site and many of the larger events is..... (drum roll please)..... the National VCA......

I realise this post is doomed, but here goes anyway:

I did NOT hijack this thread, nor make any sales-overtures to Happy. I gave him a genuine welcome and answered his questions. Someone else that I dont know, answered his follow-up questions with a GLOWING RECOGNITION OF SPONSORS! It was heartening, and you let that feeling last an hour or so....

While you are self-congratulating [again,] I find it WILDLY IRONIC that just this week the VCA Web Committee advised we Sponsors of plans to make building business here even easier. They said: """In the interest of lending a helping hand the Web Committee along with the National Officers have arrived at a plan that we all feel will both increase Vendor Exposure on our Web Site and "funnel" our Board Users to you for instant communication on both availability and pricing of your products.

This format will also make the Board much more Vendor Friendly in terms of looking for business opportunities that may exist in a post. No longer will you have to scour the whole board looking for the Viper Owner who may be looking for a part or service you provide. You will only need to have one or two forums set up to alert you when someone posts."""


Now, the guy temporarily at the top acts as if SOME of us answering product and price questions here is somehow VILE, even if we pay for the privilige. Sheesh.

y2k....... do check your wife's ringing endorsements in re Woodhouse, in your stead..... They are deserved and appropriate, but they do exist. They may be ex-officio, but they matter and they are related
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Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
That is ALL I was asking for! Thanks you so very much for your treasured support of your long-term advertisors. If I had 200+ cars to sell, Id sell VCA some at cost too..... to save you $100K over time. We need multi-million dollar mega-sponsors and BOB WOODHOUSE set a wonderful tone at the top, didnt he?

The tone at the top is so important, and you certainly set the tone here.....
My pleasure as always sir! Like you, Woodhouse is a valued advertiser and has spent tens of thousands of dollars in advertising in addition to the $100K+ they have saved the VCA on raffle car transactions over the years. You are absolutely right about Bob Woodhouse too: He has always been a stalwart supporter of the VCA and his unassuming, undemanding tone helped earn him a spot in the inaugural Viper Club Hall of Fame. It was the very least we could do for somebody who has done so much and asks for so very little (nothing really) in return.

I am pleased to be able to help lead the VCA and am delighted to have you as one of our advertisers and longtime members. Kudos to you as well! :2tu:


Jul 18, 2007
Reaction score
Explaining Viper things to you
If you look at it, they hardly made any amount of any of the colors. But if your only concern was production numbers, you've been had.

Sorry to bring the rainy weather, but there are much rarer Vipers.


Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
PS you ALWAYS overlook what PartsRack chooses to do for the REGIONS and ZONES. Since VCA Treasury does not get our money and merchandise YOU DONT COUNT IT!!!!
Dang it, you added this after I replied! ;) No worries: Your comments above are directed at this site and the recognition therein. This site is run, designed, or paid for by the National VCA - not the regions or zones. So the inclusion of the regions and zones in this discussion is moot.

I did NOT hijack this thread, nor make any sales-overtures to Happy. I gave him a genuine welcome and answered his questions. Some else that I dont know, answered his follow-up gestions with a GLOWING RECOGNITION OF SPONSORS! It was heartening, and you let that feeling last an hour or so....
Actually, it would have stayed that way forever, including the glowing endorsement of PartsRack. However, a certain vendor decided to make it a political statement and specifically wrote big bold red letters that included this inflammatory statement ""Half of all advertising is wasted"...... unless the Bosses here make it worth more." Hijack? The only thing missing was a ransom note.

While you are self-congratulating [again,] I find it WILDLY IRONIC that just this week the VCA Web Committee advised we Sponsors of plans to make building business here even easier. They said: """In the interest of lending a helping hand the Web Committee along with the National Officers have arrived at a plan that we all feel will both increase Vendor Exposure on our Web Site and "funnel" our Board Users to you for instant communication on both availability and pricing of your products.

This format will also make the Board much more Vendor Friendly in terms of looking for business opportunities that may exist in a post. No longer will you have to scour the whole board looking for the Viper Owner who may be looking for a part or service you provide. You will only need to have one or two forums set up to alert you when someone posts."""

You are welcome sir. As a member of that same website committee it was my pleasure.

Now, the guy temporarily at the top acts as if SOME of us answering product and price questions here is somehow VILE, even if we pay for the privilige. Sheesh.
Never said any such thing. Indeed, we have received several complaints about numerous threads turning into unpaid product ads - almost always with one specific vendor listed. We politely acknowledge them and explain that we will not take direct action against such a longstanding advertiser. Again, you are welcome.

y2k....... do check your wife's ringing endorsements in re Woodhouse, in your stead..... They are deserved and appropriate, but they do exist. They may be ex-officio, but they matter and they are related
Dang it, I need to club that woman and drag her back to the cave by her hair. I have told her time and time again that she cannot have her own opinions but she must not be listening. At least she isn't posting links to (or pictures of) "hot" men (besides me), 'cause that would really be embarrassing to our union. I appreciate the heads up.

Thanks again for your support! :2tu:


Jun 1, 2008
Reaction score
Viper Lane, Arizona

Welcome! Don't let the banter that hijacked your thread put a damper on your viper buying experience. Please ask more questions and use the 'Search' function located at the top of the screen. There is a lot of great information in these thread histories. Again, welcome to the viper community...you're going to find that you smile a lot more...maybe your username should be Happier...

Mopar Boy

Nov 2, 2007
Reaction score
Ontario and Ohio

What Ken said! Don't mind the thread hijacking! It is just a old subject that is being touched on here!

Be sure to PM your Vin to one of the mods (Y2K5SRT, Leeooblacksilvergts, Big N Italian, Leslie) so they can upgrade you to Viper Owner. And if you decide to join the VCA, let them know as well and they can upgrade you to full VCA member and that will give you access to some hidden parts of this websie that only VCA members can access!

Congrats again on the car! Regardless of how many were made, it is a Viper, and that makes it special! And on the overall, 60 is a fairly low number.:2tu:

Enjoy the car,



Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
Yep, I suspect you are quickly learning that at least one common thread in Viper owners is passion! :2tu:

I couldn't find the photos of the Graphite cars at VOI 7 that Jon mentioned, but did find another from VOI 7. I suspect the RT/10 on the right is Graphite while the one on the left is probably Steel Gray from 2000. Not sure about the GTS...

You must be registered for see images

There are several great pictures of Graphite Vipers on this site, so be sure to cruise over to the Gallery and check them out. Again, welcome a board and be sure to consider joining the VCA - the most passionate group of Viper owners on the planet!


Viper Owner
May 19, 2008
Reaction score
Hey happy...I work in the town where you bought your car. Are you from this area? It would be nice to know another Viper guy on the IL side of St. Louis. Shoot me a PM if so...


Viper Owner
Apr 1, 2009
Reaction score
p.e.i canada
right on guys i dont mind teh tread hijacking haha !! Yall seem pretty good so far,but ya i allways wanted one since i was a little boy and now i said f2@#k it im buying one!! I bought a blue /white 97 gts last year and things went south but i got my money back and found what i think to be a decent deal on my 02 gts with light side damage, I cant wait to get it fixed so i can go for a drive i was never even in one before but will soon lol Id liek to lean about adding a few xtra ponies to if you guys got a link to adding mods to teh viper that a be great. i have teh corsa exhaust on it now thats it. i have my vin # here with me to regester in the club like you guys said! thanks