SO needless to say it has not been a good morning. I've been staying up late working on papers for school, and some how woke up a little late this morning. SO I decided since it's been raining like crazy lately the past few days and this is the nicest day of the week. So i'll drive the Viper and make up a little time. I have to drive an hour to Boeing each way every morning and usually there aren;t to many cops. Well low and behold i'm about 2 miles from work and I come around the bend going down a hill, so of course i'm picking up more speed, in the mean time there is an eclipse and another car cruising along with me at about 80-85 ish, so I change lanes and BAM he's sitting on the side of the highway and tags me going 90 in a 60
Yup 30 over 
I normally cruise with the speed of traffic which is around 75-80ish but this morning I was trying to make up time, well turns out instead of making up time i was 20 minutes late for work since the cop took 25 minutes to write the ticket (i've always wondered what takes them so long to write only a few words on a small piece of paper). I thought I was only going about 84ish but i guess I was wrong?
So this is the first ticket in 5 years i've gotten, and the very first in the Viper in over 2 years of owning it.
Now i'm in a bad mood. I've been so stressed out the past few months with getting out of the Marines , starting a new job at Boeing working 40+ hours a week and going to school taking accelerated classes which consume 4 hours a night of my time. Along with dealing with the Vetarn Affairs people to take care of any old military injuries i'm supposed to be compinsated for and getting my education money. I'm on the go non stop from 5:30 am and I don;t step foot into my house until 10:00 Pm every night. This does not count all the homework on top of going to class and writing 50+ papers for english. Plus I have to do all the normal house work stuff, make my GF happy, deal with all the bills etc etc. So i've been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately.
BUT.... yesterday I had a GREAT day, I figured things were starting to get better and the winds of change were coming.........BUT the cop totally ruined it for me. Grrrr sorry just needed to vent a little bit.
My GF is going to talk with her sister who is a lawyer in missouri to see if there is anything she can do to get the fine reduced and or no points. I'm not sure how much the ticket will be, i got it in Clayton, Missouri. I'm sure it won;t be good though.
I normally cruise with the speed of traffic which is around 75-80ish but this morning I was trying to make up time, well turns out instead of making up time i was 20 minutes late for work since the cop took 25 minutes to write the ticket (i've always wondered what takes them so long to write only a few words on a small piece of paper). I thought I was only going about 84ish but i guess I was wrong?
So this is the first ticket in 5 years i've gotten, and the very first in the Viper in over 2 years of owning it.
Now i'm in a bad mood. I've been so stressed out the past few months with getting out of the Marines , starting a new job at Boeing working 40+ hours a week and going to school taking accelerated classes which consume 4 hours a night of my time. Along with dealing with the Vetarn Affairs people to take care of any old military injuries i'm supposed to be compinsated for and getting my education money. I'm on the go non stop from 5:30 am and I don;t step foot into my house until 10:00 Pm every night. This does not count all the homework on top of going to class and writing 50+ papers for english. Plus I have to do all the normal house work stuff, make my GF happy, deal with all the bills etc etc. So i've been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately.
BUT.... yesterday I had a GREAT day, I figured things were starting to get better and the winds of change were coming.........BUT the cop totally ruined it for me. Grrrr sorry just needed to vent a little bit.
My GF is going to talk with her sister who is a lawyer in missouri to see if there is anything she can do to get the fine reduced and or no points. I'm not sure how much the ticket will be, i got it in Clayton, Missouri. I'm sure it won;t be good though.