While driving back from the last Viper Days, I was sure that I'd be out $800 to replace the brand-new front that I managed to flat-spot. However, I took them down to Phelps tire (in the Seattle area) and they managed to save the tires by shaving them. The total cost was $76 including tax for both tires, and they threw in something called "Equal" for me to try out as well. Equal comes in packets and looks like fine sand but is in fact very fine plastic beads. Apparently the stuff was developed for Nascar and as it flows around in the inside of your tires and balances out the subtle imperfections that develop in your tire as you use it. I'll be interested to try the stuff out at Thunder Hill in two weeks to see how it works. One interesting note was that I cannot dismount and re-mount the tires unless I place them in exactly the same spot on the rim. I'm told that the tires are now perfectly round to the road, but not necessarily round to the wheel.