LOL...there IS a C-NOTE on here as his username~!

BTW: You are listed as an 'enthusiast', do you have a Viper? If so, Private Message your VIN# to the moderators, who will UPGRADE you to VIPER OWNER (lee00blacksilvergts or kcobean). We have bought the 'green' air filters before and actually liked them better than K&N, can't say how they actually dyno'd, but as SOTP?
Felt like a bit more HP. Plus they seemed to let more air thru, just our opinion.
So, JOIN UP...and while you're at it, join your regional VCA too!

(Call 1-800-998-1110...if you do so today or tomorrow, you can buy the raffle tickets for the beautiful raffle car, only by MAY 1ST...drawing is May 15th, you can do both by phone to JRT/Viper HQ)