I apologize that I did not have the chance to reply to your messages until now. I saw you at our last get together and I enjoyed everyone’s company and our special guest, Mark Giannotta the Editor of Viper magazine.
I would like to reply to some of your comments. I believe in dialog and I think this is a good way to address some of the issues that our Club is having.
Gary Lashinsky wrote:
JT and V10 Nationals/ Steve Salis. . .to answer your questions:
No. . .there were no plants at the Daytona meeting! The woman who objected to Steve Salis was a new member and annoyed with his attitude.
4. As far as the claim the "Plants" at the last meeting, once again I clearly state that there where no plants at this meeting. For some reason there is a paranoid reaction to one person's comments asking to go on with the meeting and not dwell on Steve's comments. I am sorry you guys feel this way but all members have the right to express themselves as this new member did. She was not a plant.
Gary, one minute you praise me for being an active member and organize the event in Daytona Beach and the next minute you claim that I have an attitude. At the time that this person decide to speak up and not let me continue what I was saying, I was actually talking about having a welcome committee like the by-laws state. Now, why a new member would not want to hear about that subject?
You said sarcastically to me that I could be the welcome committee when your elected duty as a Zone Director is to promote membership and you should be more interested listening to what I had to say. I believe that is one of the purposes of having those meetings. As you know, several members have given up on our club because they don’t feel welcome.
Speaking of you being the Zone Director, where is Elizabeth? She has not responded to any of the comments posted here. You continue to act as the President although as the Zone Director you are not even supposed to be part of the Region! You have already mentioned that you are a Board member of our region and here is what the National bylaws state:
Section 8. Zone Director
The Regional Officers of each Zone shall elect a Zone Director to represent them on the Board. Each Zone Director shall be a member of the National Board. Zone Directors shall promote membership growth and the formation of new Regions within their Zones and shall promote and coordinate combined Zone Events whenever possible. The Zone Directors shall have the power to appoint committees and officials within their Zones to assist in the performance of their duties. The Zone Director and the Presidents of all the Regions within a Zone shall constitute the Executive Committee of the Zone. A Zone Director must surrender his/her Regional Board position upon taking the ZD office.
Gary Lashinsky wrote:
Yes we have by-laws and are aligned with the new National VCA By-Laws adopted a few years ago in St. Louis.
Our By-Laws allow for multiple officer positions if there is no one running for a officer position being offered.
So, where are our by-laws? When I asked for the by-laws here is what Elizabeth sent me:
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2004 7:57 AM
To: Steve Salis
Subject: Request for Bylaws
The VCA bylaws can be obtained at the VCA website, there are approximately 60 pages.
If you have any other questions, call me, I believe I should be in the office most of the day.
If we don’t have our own by-laws then there is problem because the National by-laws state that each region needs to have their own by-laws:
Section 2. Responsibility
Applicants for Region status must comply with the following requirements before they can be affiliated with the Club as a Region, or use the name of the Club:
a. Submit to the National Business Office a set of documents for the purpose of incorporating the proposed Region in one of the United States, in a possession of the United States or in an International Zone. The documents will be processed as stated in the Standard Operating Procedures. When the request to form a Region has been approved by the Zone Director, the Vice President and the Executive Director, a charter shall be issued to the Region.
b. Conduct its activities in compliance with all laws and regulations of the governmental entity in which it is incorporated.
c. Assure that its bylaws, which must be approved by the Zone Director, the Vice President and the Executive Director, state that the Region agrees to abide by the National Bylaws. It is understood that each Region shall alone be responsible for any event or activity it sponsors or conducts.
If we have our own by-laws, where are they? Could the National Office provide them for us?
I am curious to see if our by-laws allow the position of the President and the position of the Secretary/Treasurer. The National by-laws states that every depository needs to have 2 signatures. Aren’t those 2 signatures supposed to be the Treasurer’s and the President’s? It was the same way on every other association/club I ever belonged to!
We really need to get to the bottom of this!! Elections are coming up and the Nomination forms have already been received. Here are some of the questions that need an immediate response:
1) Who collects the Nomination forms?
2) Is there a Nominations Committee that prepares the ballots?
3) Who will count the ballots?
4) Is there an Elections Committee?
Gary Lashinsky wrote:
1. Sean Roe was elected Vice President of the regional club when our last elections were held in 2002. We have elections upcoming for 2005 and 2006.
At the last elections it was Sean Roe that was elected President and they he was asked to give up the position because of conflict of interest. I am not sure how Elizabeth remained the President when she was not elected to be the President. Obviously if we had a Nominations Committee we would not have this problem because the Committee would have ruled out Sean as a Nominee.
Gary Lashinsky wrote:
3. As far as our bank balance, it has taken 9 years to build this balance up. Last year, 2003, we spent more than we took in for club activities and events. We plan to use these funds for further events and a charitable contribution to "Give Kids The World" this year.
I really hope that you are not serious when you stated that you are planning to make a charitable contribution to "Give Kids The World" this year”. Believe me, I personally support all types of charities but the Club’s funds have been collected from members and should be used for the benefit of the members. It was you that mentioned that if V-10 Nationals would be financially supported by our Region would have been only if the members of our Region can benefit. I really hope that a decision for a financial contribution to a charity will be made based on the members’ wishes.
So, Gary and Elizabeth, please answer those questions not just for myself but also for the rest of the members that are reading this thread.
Thank you both for your time.
Steve Salis