Ready to drive?
Our annual Ozarks rendezvous with our Viper friends from St. Louis is coming soon!
This is always one of the more popular events each year. If you haven't already, please call the hotel (number below) and make your reservations for Saturday night.
From Kansas City:
We will be meeting on Saturday morning May 17th, at 8:00am, at the Outback Steakhouse on I-470 in Lee's Summit, Mo. located at:
to: 1731 Ne Douglas St, Lees Summit, MO 64086 - Google Maps
Following the drive to the lake, we have plans for lunch at the lake, dinner that night at the Wedel's, breakfast the next morning, and a drive home (should be back by noon Sunday).
May 17th and 18th Lake of the Ozarks trip.
Dave and Lisa Naeger have again agreed to host this annual party trip to the lake. We will be staying at the beautiful Lodge of the Four Seasons. Please call them for your reservations at 1-888-265-5500. You must mention the Viper Club to get the $119.00 room rate. We have 15 rooms on hold and might need more. Please don't delay and commit to this event. At the lodge, the cars will be parked in a secure area with a guard on duty to watch them overnight. Last year we had over 30 Vipers not including a few other DD's.
Here is the contact website for the Lodge: Lodge of Four Seasons Resort - Rooms
Video from last year compliments of Dan!
A few pictures from last years cruise.
Our annual Ozarks rendezvous with our Viper friends from St. Louis is coming soon!
This is always one of the more popular events each year. If you haven't already, please call the hotel (number below) and make your reservations for Saturday night.
From Kansas City:
We will be meeting on Saturday morning May 17th, at 8:00am, at the Outback Steakhouse on I-470 in Lee's Summit, Mo. located at:
to: 1731 Ne Douglas St, Lees Summit, MO 64086 - Google Maps
Following the drive to the lake, we have plans for lunch at the lake, dinner that night at the Wedel's, breakfast the next morning, and a drive home (should be back by noon Sunday).
May 17th and 18th Lake of the Ozarks trip.
Dave and Lisa Naeger have again agreed to host this annual party trip to the lake. We will be staying at the beautiful Lodge of the Four Seasons. Please call them for your reservations at 1-888-265-5500. You must mention the Viper Club to get the $119.00 room rate. We have 15 rooms on hold and might need more. Please don't delay and commit to this event. At the lodge, the cars will be parked in a secure area with a guard on duty to watch them overnight. Last year we had over 30 Vipers not including a few other DD's.
Here is the contact website for the Lodge: Lodge of Four Seasons Resort - Rooms
Video from last year compliments of Dan!
A few pictures from last years cruise.

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