I just heard from Terri, our club events director that is organizing our caravan to VOI, that the list is up to 99 people and 55 cars by the time we get to Las Vegas, which is a bit *too* large to organize. This includes around 40 cars leaving San Jose, meeting up with the members from the Central CA region at lunch, as well as picking up a number of others enroute.
This is going to be interesting... Its around 520 miles from our initial meeting place to the Venetian, which means at least two gas stops, because we have a number of members with highly modified cars (i.e., terrible gas mileage). Think of the fun at the gas stops trying to juggle even 30 cars into/out of the gas stations.
This is going to be interesting... Its around 520 miles from our initial meeting place to the Venetian, which means at least two gas stops, because we have a number of members with highly modified cars (i.e., terrible gas mileage). Think of the fun at the gas stops trying to juggle even 30 cars into/out of the gas stations.