Couple of things, because I've been through the ticking time bomb known as Paxton

and I still had one put on my second viper.
1st, there are some simple tests you can do to check this system out:
* Get on a dyno and while someone floors it (cant get that from free reving, needs to be under load), check to see that the fuel pumps kick on/get voltage. They ONLY kick on under boost, so they should read zero, and then under boost, voltage should jump to 12+ volts. CHECK BOTH.
* Next tap into the shrader valve with a pressure guage on the fuel rail and read the pressure. Make sure it goes to 100 psi under boost (again best done on a dyno).
* While at the dyno, most shops have those 02 readers, they arent the best in the world, but they will give you some type of sanity check against yours. Check that too and see if it also reads lean.
* Next Check your FMU disk, they are really easy to open up with 6 screws and make sure there is no binding of the spring or the diafram. Also make sure you have the 'richest' disk in there. Two are supplied with the paxton kit, its best to run the one that gives more fuel.
I ran lean and mean for a while and it made great power, and fortunately on this car no negative impact, but I put it to rich, so i could be safe. A few extra hp and faster 1/4 mile times doesnt mean as much to me as a strong, safe, reliable engine.
Hope that helps.