Mike Brunton
I heard (i.e. was told) that you guys had been "made right". Sounds like that ain't close to the truth though.
You know what they say about all those monkeys on the typewriters. I bet if you keep posting what you hear long enough eventually some of it will be true.
Well, you are proving the "keyboard monkey" part to be true....
After-sale support is very important, as is the integrity, honesty, and ethical behaviour of the vendor. In that respect, I really feel Heffner and Levin are really head and shoulders above the rest.
In other words, you think if someone who had owed them money or return of a product for several months and done nothing about it started posting BS about their supercharger systems, they wouldn't mention that person's lack of financial responsibility on the internet. That is your reason for leaving Sean Roe out of your expert recommendation, isn't it?
Well since you brought it up, I have heard bad things about other tuners I left out. I have not heard anything bad about Levin or Heffner. And the fact that I can't say anything good about Roe is not just due to my situation, but others as well. Why are you such a fanboy? You posted on EVERY thread ever that is less than stellar about Sean and bashed the poster. Why? Are you THAT insecure about what you bought? Do you need that much reinforcement of your decision? Sean is a big boy and can handle himself, I'm sure, and probably doesn't need (or want) your constant re-hashing of the story.
I'm sure in your 1 year membership and 500 posts, you have learned all the stories about all the tuners, but why don't you edumacate yourself a little before you spout off next time, or you'll continue to look like the board imbecile. Sort of like how you looked when you flamed Adelberg.