Let\'s Keep This Forum Pure --- SRT 10 INFO ONLY
I really hope folks that use this forum start paying attention to all of the sub-form choices and select their category appropriately. We come to this forum sub section to read about SRT 10s, share our experiences, ask for info/advice etc. The "I traded my SRT 10 in for a big wheel" like posts are starting to become a pain in the ass to read here. There are other sections on the Viper forum that are more appropriate to post that nonsense. Additionally, the crap about that silly looking C6 Z06 with the "have a nice day" smile face has got to go. Who the heck cares. Let's start talking about our plans for our cars as the weather gets warmer. What modifications are doing to your cars? Who is attending Viper Days, other race events, when are the gatherings taking place and where? Let's also start moving the non SRT 10 posts to there appropriate category on this form so we can focus. Life's short, we don't have time to waste!
I really hope folks that use this forum start paying attention to all of the sub-form choices and select their category appropriately. We come to this forum sub section to read about SRT 10s, share our experiences, ask for info/advice etc. The "I traded my SRT 10 in for a big wheel" like posts are starting to become a pain in the ass to read here. There are other sections on the Viper forum that are more appropriate to post that nonsense. Additionally, the crap about that silly looking C6 Z06 with the "have a nice day" smile face has got to go. Who the heck cares. Let's start talking about our plans for our cars as the weather gets warmer. What modifications are doing to your cars? Who is attending Viper Days, other race events, when are the gatherings taking place and where? Let's also start moving the non SRT 10 posts to there appropriate category on this form so we can focus. Life's short, we don't have time to waste!