Liberal enviro-extremists are coming for us.

GTS Dean

GTS Dean

Jul 22, 2000
Reaction score
New Braunfels, Texas
Is this the future ?


If this were the other site, I'd hit you with 24 Rep points for that one!:rolaugh:


Sep 11, 2008
Reaction score
The actions of the EPA on individuals like us have no tangible results. It's exactly the same as gun control. If you make it a crime to own a gun, only criminals will have guns. Here in Kalifornia our government has gotten so entrenched in there own crap that they have completely forgotten that they work for us. But then again, the idiots in this state keep putting the same morons in control. It's their own fault.

As a southern Kalifornian who deals with the daily commute, I would love to be able to use mass transit, however in the typical move of bureaucracy, they have put rail lines in that don't go to or from anyplace useful. I can get to work in 30 minutes rain or shine on my motorcycle, 45 minutes by car, or you guessed it, 2.5 hours by mass transit. Ain't it beautiful.

If they pass some useless use tax on cars, or force smog on post 1975 vehicles, I will simply purchase a second 1969 dodge charger or maybe a roadrunner, or even a dart, build it up with a sweet new hemi, modern electrics, suspension and brakes, and then my wife and I will get rid of both the post 1975 cars. Unfortunately it will also dash my hopes of ever having a Viper parked next to my charger, unless I register it out of sate.

tennis tom

Viper Owner
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Well said Revtune! Good plan. The good thing about politicians is that they always write loopholes into these 53 page ordinances, for themselves and their buddies, that you can drive a Viper through (or a maybe a continuation Cobra). Where there's a will there's a way.
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Dec 5, 2006
Reaction score
The only reason the government would do this is to push their new small crap cars on everyone and to know where everyone is at all times. It just ain't going to happen.

They can chase me all over Wyoming with my Viper if they get too close. Good luck catching me! Actually you might see car guys trying to make it to the border of Canada? Sounds like an American Mad Max movie doesn't it.

You guys give the government and the people running it too much credit. They are not that smart nor have the will power and balls to pull off a national scheme like this for grandfathered in vehicles. They will probably force new vehicles to have this stuff, which whatever, I have the cars I want to live with now and anything I am interested in has been produced already. Let GM and Chrysler drop off the face of the earth along with all the other new car manufacturers. This government better start to show some real progress or their days of mass spending and incompetance will be short lived at one term. Democratic party really translates to Communism. In Canada, the NDP party basically builds up the govenment and accomplishs nothing. Same down here. Obama is a great speaker and makes you generally feel good inside, but it is time for a third party offering in this country. Everyone just votes the lesser of two evils but it is still evil.

Read what you want into the news like this, but take it all with a grain of salt. we were to all be driivng George Jetson cars by now looking back on where we thought we would be. The world just does not move that fast.