I ended up taking mine to a glass shop, they installed the 3/4" stripping for me, wasn't CR Laurence brand weatherstrip, but it was the same size with the feature line and butyl. The shop used some primer and poly to help secure the weatherstrip to the window. Unfortunately I couldn't get my car to them, so they just applied the weatherstripping to the best of their ability without being able to test the fit.
Got the glass home and it was nowhere close to fitting in the car. As I tried to force the glass in, the weatherstripping started to pull off of the glass and I ended up getting butyl on my paint. I had to trim off a majority of the actual "trim" on all sides of the glass just to get the window to fit in. The weatherstrip is more like a U channel piece of stripping on the top now with maybe a 1/4" of trim on the bottom. YOU HAVE TO MITER THE BOTTOM CORNERS. My guys did not miter the corners and there is defintely some breathing room in the bottom corners. Also, be sure to not leave any weatherstripping seams on the bottom edge of the window, that's where the water will be pooling up and want to seap in.
All this being said, the owner of the glass shop said if someone can get the whole piece of original weatherstrip to a mold shop, it would likely be a pretty easy mold to make and I think a lot of us would likely pay upwards of $100 to get a custom made piece of weatherstrip oppose to this "universal" solution that didn't go so well for me. Hopefully you all have better luck than I did. Please continue to post in this thread, my current "fix" is going to have to be "fixed" again so I'd like to see if anyone has better results.
@chambers - any details on this weatherstripping you speak of?