Low Mileage Vipers


VCA National President
VCA Officer
Jan 7, 2013
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Some people buy them and just find out they don't like driving them for whatever reason. Some get scared, either from the power or that it'll get beat up and lose value. I know the guy I bought mine from only had it for maybe 6 months, but he told me up front that he always wanted to drive one but couldn't find a place around him to rent one so he just bought it. Found out it wasn't very comfortable though, so he decided he didn't need to hang onto it.

Scratches and stuff don't really bother me on this car. I know I can always repaint it down the road if it gets real bad, but it's silver so you don't really notice the small stuff anyway. Plus, I pretty much don't have to worry about rusting since nearly everything is composite or aluminum, so driving it around in all sorts of conditions really doesn't bug me either. I try my best to clean it and treat it nice and preserve it, but I'm not going to put it in a bubble just to keep dust off of it. In the end it's just a car. I don't mean that they shouldn't be treated well, more just that I personally bought it to use as a car and not a mobile art piece. Not saying there's anything wrong with preserving them for the future, my plan is just to replace stuff along the way.


Nov 10, 2010
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Dolores, Colorado
I understand that people buy cars for different reasons, what I don't get is someone buying a car and putting 150 miles on the car and selling one or six months later. Did the person not understand what they are buying, or is it a bucket list thing? I have been looking at Gen 4 cars and many of theses cars have 4 or more owners with very little milage. I buy my cars to drive and enjoy, I don't worry about miles, some years I put on 4000 others under a 1000 miles, depends on time.

Well, I do agree with some of this. As mentioned, I am definitely a low mileage guy but I am in it for the duration. I buy my cars to keep for a long time.

If I on the other hand bought something with the intention to just keep it for a year or two, then get something else.....I am sure I would rack up the miles as well

Car count is really what makes all the difference in this discussion. If those guys that put 5-10K on their one car in a year, had 3 or 4 different vehicles to split those miles between, then they would be in the same situation and turn into what they now consider guys that don't drive their cars enough



VCA National President
VCA Officer
Jan 7, 2013
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I'm sure I'm the odd duck here as I have 4 different vehicles (3 cars and a bike), but the Viper is my DD beacuse it's just the most capable of the lot. I've always made the joke that instead of buying a car, wearing it out, and replacing it, I just got them all early and will slowly split the miles through the years. When one needs work I'll just start using the other while I fix it (happened recently with an oil line on the Viper actually). Granted now that the Dart has a 6 speed and is more enjoyable to drive I think it'll steal some miles off the Viper. Humorously enough though the Viper is still the bad weather car for me as it will actually still work in the rain. The Dart will light the tires if you spit in front of the wheels and the Vette leaks through the t-tops and the bike... well you know. I'm also young and only have to drive myself around, so praticality isn't as big of an issue. I could probably count the number of times I've had a passenger on my fingers in the year I've owned it.


Oct 25, 2012
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Armonk, NY, formerly Hoboken, NJ
I am one of the low mileage guys so here's my take

I really enjoy the Viper ownership. Always wanted one and when the right one came along, it was a no brainer to buy it.

Fact it as much as I love to drive it....I don't have to do that to get my 'fix'. Just being around it makes me happy. Keeping the miles limited is also important to me. I will own this car for a very long time and I have the type of personality that needs it to be pristine.

Those that drive their car a lot need to understand that there are others that wont. Doesn't mean that we don't get the same enjoyment out of the ownership.

Where I live also plays a role. Using my toys start in May and end in September/October. During these months I mix it up between a few cars, bikes and boats. When it comes down to numbers its very unusual if I get anywhere near 1000 miles on any car. The Viper got less than 100 miles on it this last season. This doesn't mean I would even think about it not owning it

Its pretty interesting that these threads always get started by those that drive their cars a lot. They just don't seem to appreciate the fact that there are others that wont. Almost like they are pissed of that someone owns a car and doesn't drive the snot out of it

You don't see low mileage owners starting threads about not understanding how anyone wants to put tons of miles on these relatively rare and unique cars

I don't think miles will necessarily hurt a car but miles are miles and will ultimately wear anything mechanical out

Value plays a smaller part but there is no question that a low mileage car will be a whole lot easier to sell down the road.

I for one would not consider buying a used car of this caliber with more than 5K miles.

So this is my take. Deal with the fact that someone feels differently. Doesn't make anyone right or wrong. We all own these cars for different reasons and that's OK


I agree with everything that he said here.

I have owned many other lesser sports cars ranging from a Camaro, to a Nissan 350Z, to a couple of Audi TT's, but nothing ever as special as the Viper. Those all functioned as DD's for me at the time, but I would never consider driving the Viper daily for a whole variety of reasons. It draws huge attention to itself (often negative from jealous individuals), and therefore I never leave it unattended for more than a few minutes, let alone in the commuter train station parking lot all day where it's bound to get dinged up and filthy. Plus I live in the Northeast where there are only a handful of months that you can really drive the car safely and without salt on the roads.

To add to this, I somehow managed to buy the car a little over a year ago when my son was only 6 months old. It took me 4 months to get my wife to allow the purchase as she didn't want it to take me away from sharing in the responsibilities of raising our son, so I had to promise that owning a Viper wouldn't change anything. Needless to say, there's no way to install a baby seat in a Viper, my wife dislikes the car and doesnt understand my love for cars period, and it's extremely hard to find the time to get away for a short drive anywhere in the car with a toddler at home, and with a brand new house, a demanding job, etc.....

Lastly, like many others on here, I have no plans to ever sell the Viper and choose to keep it as pristine as possible. I immediately installed a clear bra on the car after I bought it, and I drove it over 1,500 miles in my first year of ownership, between all the car shows that I took it to, etc. so my 2008 went from 1,900 miles to about 3,500 miles to date, and that will likely be staying at well under 1,000 miles a year from now on. Because I drive it so infrequently, I get so excited and giddy the night before I know I'm taking it out making sleeping difficult, and it makes the driving experience very special every single time. I enjoy that feeling much more than if I drove it so often that I got used to it and became more numb to the experience of driving it. Every drive in my Viper is a reward to myself for my hard work and a treat when I need to put a smile on my face. With that said, I might take her out for a little drive tomorrow as it's been a while since I drove it.

Point is, there's nothing wrong with driving these cars infrequently and keeping mileage low. For some who live in warmer climates, who don't care about driving it in bad weather, who are retired or single, or those that don't have kids, or those who don't have multiple cars, it's a no brainer that they drive their Viper quite often. But just respect that there are others like me who have personal situations and/or preferences that cause us to keep the miles down, and I don't see why that should matter to you anyway.........we all enjoy our cars in our own ways. To me, the mere fact that I own a Viper is enough to put a big smile on my face most days.


Viper Owner
Jul 2, 2013
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Getnlwr, I'm with you on this one. If I spend a ton of $ on a car, I'm going to drive it all the time and enjoy it as much as possible. I bought a brand new 2010 ACR last year, and have already put 11,000 miles on it. In fact, it's my daily driver and even gets driven in the winter. I work from home too, so none of those 11,000 miles are from commuting. I put 300 miles on it last weekend and never even left town. :)

There are several weekends that I put 100+ miles on my Viper and never leave my town.

Jersey Jeff

Jul 14, 2009
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Southern New Jersey
I understand what Matt is saying above, and agree with most of it, even though mine's a "driver". I have to keep my mileage under 5000 per year here in PA to stay emissions exempt, and I also have an SRT8 Charger. I show both cars, and combined they get less than 5000 miles every year. I try not ot drive them in bad weather (unless I get caught out in it), but life does often get in the way.

100 miles in a season is impossible as well. One show I go to is that round trip, and that is 1-way to Carlisle for me. Even just going to Cars and Coffee on Saturdays is a 15 mile round trip if that was all I did, so I will always get some miles on the cars. I think we shoudl ALL consider ourselves lucky for being able to own and drive a Viper, no matter how much we actually drive them!

Tell me about emissions exemption based on mileage....


Viper Owner
Mar 21, 2010
Reaction score
West Chester, PA
Tell me about emissions exemption based on mileage....

In PA counties where and OBD2 emissions exam is required, if you drive your car less than 5000 miles per year, you are exempt. You still have to pay a fee for them to put the exempt sticker on your windshield though!


Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
I'm one of those low mileage guys, too :).

Not that I don't enjoy my Viper, I just enjoy some of my other cars too. My 03 Viper only has 5900 miles and my 2010 Furious Fuchsia Challenger SRT8 has just 189 miles. On the other hand, my 71 Demon has around 110,000 miles on it. But only about 2500 miles since it was restored about 10 years ago. I do take them to local car shows once in a while.

To me the cars are works of art. There are times my wife or kids comes out in the garage and I'm sitting there just staring at the cars - they think I'm funny that way!

Plus, I actually enjoy driving my soft top Jeep (with top off) in the summer. or my wife's 300 in the winter! :drive:

Nial Castle

Oct 29, 2013
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Kansas City
I bought mine brand new 3 months ago and have already put 2000 miles on it. I feel so much better after reading everyones post. Thought I was the only one driving mine so much. Nial.


Viper Owner
Mar 21, 2010
Reaction score
West Chester, PA
I'm one of those low mileage guys, too :).

Not that I don't enjoy my Viper, I just enjoy some of my other cars too. My 03 Viper only has 5900 miles and my 2010 Furious Fuchsia Challenger SRT8 has just 189 miles. On the other hand, my 71 Demon has around 110,000 miles on it. But only about 2500 miles since it was restored about 10 years ago. I do take them to local car shows once in a while.

To me the cars are works of art. There are times my wife or kids comes out in the garage and I'm sitting there just staring at the cars - they think I'm funny that way!

Plus, I actually enjoy driving my soft top Jeep (with top off) in the summer. or my wife's 300 in the winter! :drive:

I have a 2007 SRT8 Superbee, she has about 23000 on her, which I bought new in Feb 07. I like it almost as much as my Viper.


Viper Owner
Sep 27, 2010
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League City
Between work among other things my car doesn't get driven too often. Put 6000 miles on the car in about 4 years. I love the car it's just not practical to drive to my work or to pull the boat.