Harbor Freight jack will fit...but BE CAREFUL...Our local store had them "in the back, not on display" and "there were only two left"...I asked to see it, and after considerable shuffling with various "helpers" giving an assortment of answers, the manager asked for one to be brought to the front. I opened the box where the clear tape sealed same, ( a somewhat hap-hazzard job in my opinion), and examined the jack. It looked "OK" to me in terms of finish, gross number of parts, and had the manual with it. STUPID ME did not assemble the jack and test it at the store !!!
When I did put the handle on it and tried to pump it, nothing happened. I RETIGHTENED the handle, tried it again, and still nothing. I tried the recommended air purge move, topped up the fluid (which was low), and tried it again...it MOVED, but pad fell back down with each pump...as if the clockwise rotatation of the handle had NOT closed the valve. So, in one LAST attempt (for science !!!), I got a rag to use for traction, gripped the handle full force with both hands, and twisted it a little more, and the jack WORKED...though it did not release without similar effort...NOT ACCEPTABLE !!!
I called the manager, only to find out that they were totally out, but he assured me that he would help by offering to refund my money or try to get one shipprd it from another store EARLY this week. Since I have to make a 50 mile round trip , I did ask him to test the new one BEFORE calling. I should also say that the manager ASSURED me that the jack I purchased was NOT a faulty returned item that might have "accidently" gotten back on the retail shelf, as I had politely suggested (after reexamining the tape job on the box).
The jack has the name "U S General" on it and is made in China.
Hopefully, they'll have another one by today, as a close friend bought one from Harbor Freight and loves it.