maybe some serious/mature advice?

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Oct 2, 2000
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Near Tampa Bay
GET THE CAR!! You'll love it. Just sounds like alot of jealous ppl on here wishing their Dad would buy them one.... If your Dad is buying, get a GenII!! The extra 5,000 to 10,000 is worth it (if your getting a used one).

Just be careful and learn from experience....


Sean 96 McViper

Nov 12, 2000
Reaction score
Wow.. your gettin' some flack SpOiLeR!


Ok, here are my two cents on the deal...

From what I have read here, most of use will agree that our vipers mean more to us than just being a fast, flashy, kick-a$$ car. To most of us, our viper is a sign of our hard work and determination.
I have wanted a viper since I was in high school. (About your age) When I would see one on the street it would send chills down my spine, I wanted one real bad. In college, my mother bought me a model of a viper. Every semester, during finals week, I would put the model in my book-bag and brought it to all my final-exams as reminder of what all this hard work could bring. I started a little Internet business while in college, as well. I spent many a Friday and Saturday night knee deep in HTML and Perl programming code, while the rest of my fraternity brothers were knee deep in chicks and beer. But after saving every penny earned from that business, I had enough saved up to put a hefty down payment on a viper, a few months before graduation. The very same viper I kept I my book-bag all those late nights I spent studying for engineering exams. I’ll never forget my fraternity brothers’ faces when I pulled up in it! Nor, will I ever forget the feeling of accomplishment that I felt for months afterwards. I felt like a king driving the car (still do), but I felt even better standing next to it, looking at it, and knowing I did it.

If you just have a car like this handed to you, you cannot appreciate what this car should mean. To you, your viper will be a really cool, fast, **** pile of plastic and metal. To us our vipers are trophies, reminders that hard work and dedication will get you anything you want. I think you should earn a car like this. If you want a fast car, have your old-man buy you a ricer and mod the hell out of it. As much HP as you can get out of it, if you are responsible, you’ll be fine. I’m not telling you not to get a fast car or even an expensive one, just don’t get a viper. This is your dream car; you should earn your dream car. If you don’t, you will never have that feeling of accomplishment that I had, no matter what you earn in the future.


Legacy\Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 1997
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Columbia River Gorge
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SpOiLeR:
Im soon to be 17 years old, i live in GA..... Currently my older borther.... i have recently come up to the problem of needing a new car. My sister wreck my 99 Jeep grand Cherokee..But its ok because my father, a well-renound lawyer, ..will recieve over 1 million....(sad story i might share it some day). None the less i love nice cars. My mom just got a new mercedes e420 ....i tlaked with my father adn he says i could get a early model viper...i add that im a very mature 16 year old. i mean im the guy who hangs out witht eh big. thanks to my brother that is. so like i said responsability is not an issues...would you suggest liek a 95 viper rt10 with lets say 18k miles for me? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Spoiled, I condensed 50% of your post for clarity.

With all your braggin about your "renound" daddy and his fees, and your driver-educated sister, and your big-boy brother letting you hang around, and your mommy's new Benz, your level of maturity and 4.0 education is VERY clear to us all. Crystal clear:

You are a bogus, pimple-poppin', teeny-boppin' 1st noted by B.T.

If not.....and if your "renound" daddy is so indifferent to your life that he puts you in a Viper, I will be curious to see the number of zeroes after the damages/negligence claim filed against HIM......after you splatter some innocent victim's brains, and yours, along a center divider.

Now, go learn to drive someplace DIFFERENT from where your sister did, and your brother hangs out......and then learn to spell (or at least spell-check) and come back afterwards.
If you DARE insult us with another moronic, teeny-bopping post, you deserve your fate..............


Legacy\Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 1997
Reaction score
Columbia River Gorge
Not a bad obit for him:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SpOiLeR:
Im soon to be 17 years old...... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Followed by: "OOPS" ~~~~~~~~~~:&lt;~

Craig 201 MPH

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Toronto Ontario, Canada
You are so naive to think you can handle this car, I guarentee if you get one you will wreck it, no 17 year old has the will power not to use all it's power, it will kill you or you will at least wreck the car, I guarentee you will wreck it.
Honestly just get a fwd or 4wd car and learn how to drive first, If it was my first car, the Viper would have killed me, hell my mom's 5.0 stang conv. almost bit me once. Learn to drive, then Get a Viper, and EARN it.



Apr 15, 2001
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Get your self a nice T/A ram air, SS or Cobra. Learn how to handle the front engine, massive torque, slippery rear set up of these cars. When you feel comfortable handling it, get it moded/ supercharged, then after driving it for a while or after you finish school, sell it and get your self a viper. That way you will be more confident driving your Viper. Believe me, you don’t want to learn and wreck a viper, it will cost you a lot, the hood alone on the vipers are about $12K.
Please, don’t say that you are a good driver, being only 16, you don’t even know what driving is really about, and prove to be clueless by your statement. Only time behind the wheel will give you that. i don’t consider my self a good driver and i can out lap, out run you any day of the week, on a viper or non viper, so can almost everyone else on this board. And you don’t hear them bragging.
When i first bought my Viper "6 months ago", i asked every viper owner that i met in person about tips, tricks and any advice to help me handle and drive the Viper better. You learn driving tips everyday. And i have been driving cars when you were still in Pampers. Listen to the guys on this board, i did, and still do. And they have all made me a better driver; please don’t act like you know it all. That’s what gets guys like you in trouble.

Besides, good luck parking a viper RT/10 in school everyday, you’re going to need to become a member of the closest scratch/dent remover shop in your area.


Oct 12, 2000
Reaction score
Victoria, BC, Canada
I fought it and fought it, but I can't resist...I have nothing new to say that hasn't been said but I'm going to say it for my own sanity even though it undoubtedly won't affect your decision.

I think Tony and Dirk pretty much sum up my opinion, but I just have to reiterate their points.

If you are a 4.0 GPA student apparently the school system needs to add a course in 'pride' to the curriculum. I don't care how smart you are, if you are literate and have pride in yourself you would edit your posts. You keep claiming to be mature. Wouldn't a mature person think, "Gee, if I don't make my post look like it was written by an intelligent human, maybe these Viper folks won't take me seriously and all I'll hear about is how much of a punk kid I am who doesn't deserve a car I don't have to earn?"

Initially I thought, @#$%##$ this kid bugs me. How can anyone have the gaul to say my daddy is litigating a big case and if he wins it he is going to create another disrespectful, spoiled, self-centered brat out of me like so many parents are doing these days. I guess it is impossible to expect your claim of being mature to be accurate until you are old enough and have enough experience to know what maturity is. I'm 34 and I'm not mature so I can't expect you to be.

However, after thinking about it further, when I was 17 my father helped me buy a car. I had worked at a minimum wage job for a couple summers and had about $600 saved up. He loaned me $800 so I could put $1400 into buying an old Ford Fiesta, with a whopping 90 HP or so. I guess I never considered owning a Viper-quality car at that age for two reasons. One, I obviously couldn't afford it and although frankly my father could have, it wouldn't even have crossed his mind to destroy his son like that. Two, I guess I felt my own personality was adequate and I didn't need a car to make a statement. I have a Viper now, but for the love of the car, not for the love of myself.

We keep beating up on you but with all due respect, if your father is going to buy you a Viper outright, he's the problem. Would I have accepted a Viper from my father at your age, bloody right I would have. Should he have given me one, only if he wanted to do a study in behavioral modifications resulting in death.

Spoiler, could I ask a favor of you? Could you ask your father to read through all these posts and then give us his rationale for why he would want to risk not only ruining his son's sense of pride but also risk his son's life? If you're confident that he will still think he is making the right decision then you shouldn't have any problem with him reading our opinions right? Wouldn't that be the 'mature' thing to do?


Nov 3, 2000
Reaction score
My first car was a Corvette. I spent 10K on a Greenwood package and a month later I wrecked it. I almost died. I was 16. If I could have been a little less hard headed and listened to what others were telling me I would of saved the money and bought a Ford probe and then the vette 5 years down the line. Not to mention I ruined my life by my license getting suspended for 4 years after getting 3 movers in a year. Getting pulled over on a suspended gets you another years suspension thus the 4 years. All the narcos were pulling me over thinking it was stolen or I was dealing drugs.
Don't buy a flashy or high powered car like I did at your age!!Trust me!

Sp01ler-I think a lot of the guys here like me are steering you away because they probably have "Been there and done that" and want to fore warn you of the dangers of being young in a car like a Viper. If you are going to have a good some of $ to spend on a car, buy something NEW with a 3/36 warranty so you have something reliable for school.

Good luck!


Oct 12, 2000
Reaction score
Victoria, BC, Canada
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Vipermad:
heymake sure you do'nt push the gas petal if the wheels r turned or you wil end up in a dich.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Tony, I think that sentence may have been the first one Spoiled was able to comprehend, I see you've cleverly been able to decode his mother-tongue!


Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA
I say go for it.
Age has little to do with it but maturity and self-control do. Every Viper crash I have heard of was with an "old" man. Remember the thread about the guy who loaned his car to his dad who quickly spun it off the road? Kelsey Grammer is old but far from mature. Just don't follow the example of some drivers on this board (passing trucks at 200mph in an ACR, racing 550's at over 150mph on the street) or you will really get ripped to pieces!

You will have to be very prepared. Driving schools and major self restrant. There are better cars for someone your age..355 Ferrari, 911TT etc. As many know first had on this board, you will crash it if you are the least bit foolish.

If you decide to get a Viper you will love it but be very, very careful. I love and appreciate mine despite the fact that I didn't get the money by working at Mc Donalds! (It is as true that you won't appreciate the car as much if you don't buy it youself just as you won't appreciate upgrades as much if you don't install them yourself.)


Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Oct 18, 2000
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Louisville, KY
Man, I must have missed something here? Is this a teenage boy going through puberty? Is he speaking english? His words are all misspelted or something.

I kind of regret selling my RT/10 to a 19yr old kid. He is drving around town with his hat on backwards and revving his engine everytime he see's a girl and also calling himself "****?" I'm old I guess.


Oct 3, 2001
Reaction score
Bellevue, WA
you talk a lot, and maybe your parents don't have the patience to correct you anymore. Don't let that fool you into thinking they approve.

Someone mentionned Darwin. I am afraid this is appropriate.

Your parents may have given up and they're just hoping that through some miracle you'll be ok.
Having a viper myself, and knowing how tricky they are, I'm afraid they're making the wrong bet.

If JFK wasn't so rich that he could own a plane, he might still be alive today. Lots of rich people die at the controls of their cool toys. I know a billionaire that just died a few months ago in a jetski accident.

The tribe has spoken.
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