Yesterday I got a #51 code on my 97 GTS while at RoadAtlanta. It relates to a lean condition and computer enrichening to compensate I think.
I have only one operating cat (passenger side) due to cheapo Random Tech provided bullets that can't handle Vipewr exhaust temps/flows. In the hard braking zones I was seeing some blackish smoke out the tailpipe. In the hard acceleration zones immediately follwoing, I was seeing whitish smoke as I accelerated.
I suspect the darker smoke to be oil puke into the airbox and the whitish smoke to be unburned fuel in the exhaust line. Any thoughts ?
I have only one operating cat (passenger side) due to cheapo Random Tech provided bullets that can't handle Vipewr exhaust temps/flows. In the hard braking zones I was seeing some blackish smoke out the tailpipe. In the hard acceleration zones immediately follwoing, I was seeing whitish smoke as I accelerated.
I suspect the darker smoke to be oil puke into the airbox and the whitish smoke to be unburned fuel in the exhaust line. Any thoughts ?