jeez, thats kool stuff. i hate people with
Hi Neo Rambo
You wouldnt happen to have a model of the Gen III motor? Im designing a viper powered car on my computer and I'm a little short on Viper engine dimensions. Specifically the front of the motor with all its accessories. Having a hard time figuring out where the cooling system is routed ralative to the rest of the engine. Specifically the outlet at the top left hand side of the engine by the power steering pump. Any ideas? I have Rhino 3d.
I can't imagine how many hundreds of hours that must have taken! I've done 3d modeling in Pro Engineer and it's a nightmare to create all those curved surfaces!
With that said, if I was going to attempt something like this, I would use a stereoscopic camera setup and just create the 3d geometry directly from the car. We use this technology at work and it's accurate to .000040m. You basically place target stickers on the surfaces you want to measure and you can create VERY accurate .stl models. Of course, .stl files can be a nightmare to work with in Pro Engineer.
Damn, man...I mess with Photoshop but that 3D stuff is WAAAAY beyond what I'm capable of.
Where are the stripes!?![]()