I know I'm bumping an old thread, but did you ever decide on something treesnake?
I've got a wideband and boost gauge on my steering column that I would really like to simplify to just one...
From what I've seen, can't you have the boost and a/f along with 2 other lines of data displayed digitally with the PLX multifunction gauge?
I have talked to 85 of 200 and he really likes his PLX. I plan to put one in 06 coupe.
I kinda' got carried away on my gauges in TT car. AEM makes a serial multi gauge that plugs right into an AEM EMS. It monitors 17 functions. Like the PLX, you set alarms for each function. If that function gets into trouble it comes up on the screen along with alarms. You can scroll at anytime to view readings. I then replaced all gauges with Autometer gauges. (Boost etc..) They are very close to OEM looking. I will leave the AEM on AF homescreen. We then took out the "pass. air bag" light and replaced it with a Raptor shift light (blue, of course...

We have since installed small, but bright, red(warning alarm light), blue (methanol) and yellow leds next to the shift light. Painted gauge rings black and console Sapphire....of course.
Sorry for the cell photo quality. I will have better photos shortly when the car is finished.