If we can't get an event of our own I figure we could just arrange a common event for all of us, like this time trial, and then take over.
I certainly keep everyone informed. I think I need a break first and enjoy the holidays. Maybe get some new parts for the snake to help me in those corners.
As for my spin I would venture to say it was a couple things. First, I have been hesitant on the breaks. I'm still learning the point at which the wheels will lock. On that spin I was trying to get more speed into the corner. But instead of carrying more speed I broke too late, got out of the race line and into the crap. I tried to save it by turning late but just couldn't stop. Carried into the gravel but I didn't want to go nose first for damage reasons. Turned the car and spun. I had managed to slow the car but once your out of the line... well you guys know. Just too much crap on those hot tires.
Simply put I need more practice. This is my first sports car ever and the first times I have driven road course. It will take some time, but I'll get there eventually, thanks to many of you.