My fun adventure w/ the fuzz...

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Viper Owner
Jul 8, 2001
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Brookfield, CT USA
ok, this may seem to not be Viper-related at first, but trust me, the Viper plays a role with my latest adventure with the "fuzz". This is for all you fellow Viper owners and drivers in general that always wanted to get "one up" on the "fuzz".

My girlfriend and I went to a Bed & Breakfast this weekend in Lenox, Mass along with 2 dogs in the back seat.

I was driving my girlfriend's car (Ford Taurus) on Route 8 which becomes twisty and windy after Winsted, CT. (no longer a true highway) when all of a sudden my Valentine 1 goes off in Otis, Ma. I slam the brakes, check the radar and the arrow is pointing behind me!


I was going about 60-65 I think when I slammed the brakes. I check the rear view mirror (which was pitch black) and I see headlights turn on.

F--K! He got me.

By now I'm doing the legal speed limit of 45mph, and the car gains on me pretty quickly.

He follows me for a bit then turns on his lights.

We pull over, tells me I was doing "59 in a 45mph", takes my license and my girlfriend hands him her Connecticut registration.

I tell him "We're from Norwalk, CT and I was just driving up to Lenox headed to a bed & breakfast for a romantic getaway with my girlfriend and wasn't sure if they had a late check-in, so I guess I was driving a little fast."

He ignore my comment, goes to his car, comes back and says "You have Massachusetts plates on your car. I need your Mass registration."

So my girlfriend says "Well the car is registered in CT. I just got it registered."

Cop: "Well I need the Mass registration."

So she gives it to him and he says "Sit tight" and 15 min go by, he comes back and says "Is there anyone you can call, because I'm going to have to impound the vehicle."

Me: What? What for?

Cop: You're driving a vehicle with expired tags. Is there someone you can call?

Me: <thinking to myself> We're 2 hours from where we live - and you know that, so who the heck do you think we'll know from around here?

Girlfriend: Officer, I have the new plates right here on my lap, I just haven't had a chance to put them on.

Cop: I'm sorry, I'm afraid I'm going to have to have your car towed.

Girlfriend: <starts crying and pleading> Please officer, I have the plates right here on my lap and the registration.

Cop: I'm sorry.

Me: Can't we just put the plates on right here?

Cop: Nope. I can't let you do that. It's a felony to let you change your plates.

Me: Well if you're going to tow the car, can you at least knock down the speeding ticket a little?

Cop: I'm sorry, can't do it. I have to call it the way I see it.

Me: C'mon officer, we're good people. Can't you just give us a warning for the plates and give me the speeding ticket?

Cop: Sorry.

Me: <thinking> Mother friggin D--KHEAD!

Me: Well I guess I will call a tow truck and a cab. [we're 20 miles from our destination]

Cop: I'll handle that for you, it'll be a lot quicker.

So he goes back to his car and orders the cab and tow truck.

He gives me a ticket that he only signs his intials - D.R. #6

**** coward doesn't even put his full name on it! His car plates were 6687 in case anyone knows cops in Otis, Ma. Though I doubt it.

The tow truck arrives first and the tow truck driver doesn't say a word to me. He only talks to the cop -- as though they know each other.

As the car is getting hooked up on the flatbed, I try and befriend the cop to see if he'll at least lower the 14mph I went over the speed limit.

Me: So was I your first kill of the night?

Cop: No you were my last.

We talk some more and I can see that this guy is just a really ugly, out of shape, bald, fat loser from a small town in Hicksville, USA. Probably single, unmarried, and has it in for out-of-staters. Sorry, had to vent. Back to the story...

I have my paycheck on me and tell my g-friend, "I'm going to show my paystub to the cop and tell him something like 'I'm not worried about your stupid ticket anyway. as you can see, I can afford 50 tickets, since I make $XX dollars a year - more than you'll ever make in a lifetime!'

But she was worred the cop might arrest me or find something else to give me a ticket on so she convinced me not to do it.

But I had to have some sort of dig against this ****, so I say to him "Well, at least you didn't get me in my Viper. I did 160mph near Boston and the cop there was nice and decent enough to let me go with a warning."

The cop just chuckled and then didn't say anything. Whether he believed me or not, it felt good to feel like I had the last word and that his inconveniencing of our night was only temporary. He'll still be struggling with his $40k salary driving a Crown Victoria for his job and a Ford Pinto for his personal vehicle! waa waaaa ha ha!!!

I think he must've believed it, cuz when the car was getting towed and just about to leave he says "Ya know, your right brake light is out. I could have given you a ticket for that too."

Me: <thinking> What the heck is wrong with this man? Has he no heart?

So then they tow the car away and we're forced to take out all of luggage, our birthday gifts (hers is on the 5th, mine on the 9th) which we were celebrating that weekend, and our two dogs.

So we stood outside on the side of some desolate road with the temperature on Friday night about 25 degrees and I only have a leather jacket on and the wind is picking up. The four of us (2 dogs, my g-friend, and I) were freezing our asses off waiting for the taxi to drive us 20 miles to Lenox.

I couldn't believe the officer could be so cold hearted as to kick us out of our car when we HAD THE friggin PLATES! It was a small town (Otis, Mass), so I suspect the cop knew the tow truck company and gets a kick-back.

So we're standing there and the officer offers to have us sit in his car. Girlfriend says "No, I'm fine". Neither one of us wanted to give him the satisfaction. So the officer stood outside in the cold with us while we waited for the taxi.

So 45 minutes later the taxi arrives. It'a actually a van usually used for driving airport passengers. He too seems to know the cop. We find out later that the taxi driver's brother is a cop and is friend's with the cop that gave me the ticket.

Can you believe this horse-manure? Where the h-ll am I? The Dukes of Hazzard?

Anyway, we get to our destination and I pay the taxi guy $70 (with tip) to get to Lenox.

The next morning I pay another $45 to pick up the impounded car.

So that's $115 already. I pay another $130 to get the car from the impound, that's $245 total.

I hear the speeding ticket will be $140, so that's $385 total. And then the expired tags will probably be about $100, so that's $485 total. All for driving 59 in a 45mph. Ridiculous!

Oh, and did I mention I can't pay the fine in the mail? I have to drive 2 hrs to court to pick up the Mass plates that the cop confiscated. Apparently the court will have them there when I go to court.

There are good cops and bad cops. He could have handled it differently. Clearly this is not one of the good ones.

I guess it could have been worse. It could have been the Viper on the flatbed...

Now I need some help from the VCA members. Any suggestions on how to handle this when I got to court? Seems like this cop knew everyone that showed up (kickbacks). It wasn't my car so I had no idea I was "Operating after Registration Revoked"

Do I get points on my license for "Operating after Registration Revoked"? any idea how does this might affect my car insurance? I have Geico...

Should I get a lawyer?

comments on the story (I could use some "Sorry dude - that *****" type support from my fellow Viper owners) or legal advice is welcome.


Feb 4, 2002
Reaction score
Maryland, USA
It probably won't do much good but if it were me I would go to their court. I would guess that you could somehow get a jury trial. I don't think even a jury of locals would think that you were treated fairly. You might not get much for your efforts other than wasting their time and embarrassing them by forcing them to tell the jury what happened to you.
By the way, this kind of BS is one reason that I have the required front plate on my car. Any excuse to stop me is too much to hand them.


Aug 12, 2002
Reaction score
Houston, TX , USA
It will be cheaper in the end! Like you said, at least it was not your Viper on that flat bed!

In a couple of years it will make a great drinking story.

my .02

Geoff Green

Oct 4, 2000
Reaction score
Greenwich, CT
Geico checks driving records before each renewal. A ticket for going too fast will not raise your rates as long as there is just one during the year. Actually you were not speeding. Speeding is when you go at least 20 mph over the limit. You had a violation of S.T.C. (state traffic control). If you take care of the ticket by beating it, or paying the fine after it is reduced when you go to court, then CT will never know about it. If CT never knows, then Geico will never know. Insurance Companies do not check every state to see if you got a ticket. However, beware that if you do not take care of it by paying it or beating it, Mass. will notify CT and they will make your life miserable.


Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
Wildwood, MO 63011
I was in Otis when I took my avatar pic! Sheriff Rosco must have been sleeping that day.

That does ****, especially when you had planned a nice weekend. I would get an attorney who knows the laws. Not to fight it, but to ensure compliance with State laws.

Good luck,



May 31, 2002
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Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Play the bluff... I am assuming the absolute last thing that they want to do is use their tax monies for a trial of something or this sort...

When you stand in court - they can also conference call in your attorney - and put him on speaker... And when you say that you are going to plead not guilty - my guess is that the charges will be reduced...

Or, simply trace your middle finger on a piece of paper and mail it on in to Oppie and the gang...

(agree with joe117 - I do not need to give the cops any other reason to pull me over to have a "chat"... (I was pulled over and severly warned that doing 61 in a 55 is not a good thing... To that - I wanted to tell him that he is d@mn lucky I wasn't paying attention - or I would have been going 161!)...

Jeff Torrey

Jul 15, 2001
Reaction score
Plaistow, NH USA
Sorry to hear about your trouble. It does ****, hope the romance made up for it...happy birthday. I was only about an hour and a half away from you in Manchester, VT over the weekend (with the Viper). Romance without the youngin's and a little shopping. I have had my own problems with the State of MA. I would consult a lawyer. I would schedule another weekend of romance ASAP.


Dec 19, 2001
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Dalton Ga. (Chatt. Tn.)
Sorry dude, I am SO pisssed off after reading that. What a **** !! I say do the trial by jury if you have time, just to show the folks how sorry this guy is. Before that I would send a letter to everyone from his chief to the mayor and every counselman telling them that exact story. I must call Chuck now and have him take some heart medication before he reads this.


Jul 18, 2001
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
If you can somehow prove (don't know how) that officer is taking kickbacks, contact the local media (paper, news, etc...). I'm sure they would have a field day with this guy, if what you say can be proved....

P.S. - I think your girlfiend gave you good advice with that pay stub thing. No offense, but that would have made you look like an idiot, bringing you down to this guys level.

P.S.S. - A laywer will cost more than the fines. Don't bother. Although, I would fight it in court. Not all judges side with the officer, and some don't even get along.

Good Luck...


Viper Owner
Jul 8, 2001
Reaction score
Brookfield, CT USA
>>I think your girlfriend gave you good advice with that pay stub thing. No offense, but that would have made you look like an idiot, bringing you down to this guys level.

Yeah, I know. But when your blood is boiling, you don't necessarily think straight. I'm not a vengeful person, but I just had this "need" to feel like I had some sort of victory that night - no matter how small.

So yeah, I wanted to get into a "p-ssing contest" with the cop. Since I couldn't win on anything else, I wanted to win on how much I make versus how much he makes.

But in retrospect I'm glad I didn't do it. Like you said - it would stoop to his level.

I guess there just was no way I was going to win in that situation.

Thanks for your support and advice so far everyone. I'm feeling a little better about it.

I know what will REALLY make me feel better. Take the Viper for a nice cruise.... Yeah, that'll cheer me up.


Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
Yikes, what a gruesome story! Had something remotely similar happen to me in Colorado Springs several years ago. As the cop is taking his sweet time writing me a ticket for "following too closely" (in bumper-to-bumper stop-and-go traffic), a guy runs up and bangs on his window. "Somebody just threw a brick through another guy's windshield back there!!" The cop slowly looks at him, then back at me, and says, "As you can see, I am pretty busy here. I will call another unit to take a look." "But the guy is STILL there!!!" the man complains. "Sorry, I can't break away from this right now" and up goes the window. I don't know who was more pissed - me or the guy who got blown off (and the cop didn't call it in either). He held me for 45 minutes while my very pregnant wife sat in our little Honda. We had just come to town for a new job and to look for a place to live. Maybe that is why we only stayed for six months. Oh, and the cop didn't show for the hearing and the case was thrown out. I was there and ready for bear...

One last note, this really ISN'T Viper-related, so I am going to move it to Off Topic...

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