My unbelievable E-bay, Florida, scam! I lost $1000.00 - Beware


May 17, 2004
Reaction score
Well it all goes like this. I was bidding on a 2002 rt/10 w/15000k miles on it through e-bay. Item
#2477539637 for your reference. Well I closed right at the sellers reserve. Quite a car for 49K. I
called the seller Potamkin Rivera Dodge, to ask more questions before and after the closing of the
auction. Each time Luis (salesman) would tell me the car was mint. I would ask specifics like "Is there
any scratches, rock chips, accidents, or any other problems with the car?", He would reply "No, it's
perfects". I even asked him to go out to the car one day and look it over with a fine tooth comb before I
fly in to take a look and purchase it. I live in southern California. I explained that I need to make sure
it is as you say as I will be flying in and also setting up a enclosed car carrier to pick the car up. He
was mighty confident in the car.

So of course the next step was to buy the tickets. 200.00 Round trip form LAX to Ft. Lauderdale.
(bought them 2 weeks ahead of time. Give the dealer a 500.00 deposit on credit card as the auction
states. Get a hotel for 2 nights (90.00 again through Expedia). Call car carriers and set up the best
enclosed carrier at 1650.00, but I only had to give a 250.00 non-refundable deposit. Then of course
when I arrive I would pay for the taxi service to and fro.

Well Tuesday the 1st comes and I am on a plane to Ft Lauderdale at 8 a.m. Cali time. I arrive Tuesday
night and try to get a hold of Luis on his cell. Of course no call back. So I start to worry because I told
him I needed a ride from Ft L. to Miami to get the car. I told him I would call that night to arrange all
the details for the next morning. I have only Wednesday to take care of everything because I leave at 8
a.m. Thursday for home. I had the car carrier scheduled for the second and I would be there to watch it
get loaded. No call that night. I am thinking he sold the car and did not have the balls to tell me, or
never had the car? The next morning after thinking about getting a taxi to Miami, I get a call. He said
sorry for not calling and he is on his way. I wait as he left immediately the dealership to get me. He
picks me up and we head to the dealership. On arriving the Viper was right out front (of course) and
says as we pull in "there's your car". I said "not yet". I got out and immediately went to the ground to
start looking underneath. I always start outside of a car on the ground up. He comes out as I am laying
on the ground looking at everything. I started noticing some weird things. The back pop rivets in the
wheel well were not painted. Some were and some not. And the middle pull rod of the pop rivets were
still hanging out about 1mm. Shabby looking pop rivets. Then I notice on the black back wheel well a
small amount of red paint overspray. May be overlooked by some one very emotional about wanting a
Viper. I start to ask him if the car has been painted, and he replies "I don't think so". I told him well it
was. He then says "well dealers sometimes do that because of rock chips" I say they dont paint the rear
of the car, especially a 2002. I open the trunk and notice about 5 places where bolts should be, but
nothing is there but empty holes. On the other wheel well on the rear of the passenger side is a line
where they painted over the original paint, but it did not adhere. So it is sorta peeling back. I said "this
car has been in a rear end accident" He again says "I don't think so" Must be the Florida motto "I
Don't think so". So I said "well I do." This car has been in a accident. I said does your manager
know? He says "know what?" That it's been repainted and in a accident. I could tell the whole rear
was put on by a body shop just by the glue and silicone used in the truck. Looks like a kid spread it on.
So I went inside to tell the manager. The Manager was behind the desk. I introduced myself and asked
him if he knew that the viper was in a accident? He said it was not in a accident just repainted. Who
paints a 1.5 year old car for the hell of it? So needless to say I was not buying the car. Then I wanted a
ride back to my hotel, but of course now there will be no one to take me for at least 3 hrs. Yeah, pick
me up faster than lightning when you think I am buying the car, but when I found out it's wrecker, no
can take me back. As I was sitting there I remembered a 2003 viper on ebay for 68,500.00 I new it
was in Tampa at a Mercedes Dealer. So I started calling and found the dealer. The salesman said they
still had it. Come over. Well I am in Miami (4hrs driving time) to Tampa. Remember I only had that
Wednesday to take care of the deal and I have a car carrier waiting to pick up a car. So the Tampa
dealer says get to a airport and take southwest to Tampa for 85.00 one way. I start thinking about it.
Then I decide Fu&* the Dodge dealer and their 3hr wait, I called a cab to take me to Miami Airport to
get on a plane to Tampa. Of course I call the car carrier and tell them the problem and put them on
hold. I call Southwest and they only fly out of Ft L. So the cab arrives and I tell him to take me back
to Ft L. at 65.00 cab fair. I get my ticket one way to Tampa 1hr before the flight. (Don't do this as a
one way fair bought one hour before your flight makes you a criminal in the eyes of security. They
pretty much did everything but put their pinkie up my ***. Oh forgot to mention when on the phone to
the Mercedes dealer I told him of my ordeal and he was in shock at what I have been through. He
re-assured me that his 2003 with 4500 miles is pristine. Ebay item #2480265121. He said that I
would not even find a rock chip or scuff. I asked him if I were blind folded and he rolled back the
odometer to 0 miles could I tell it was a used car? He said no way. And if there was anything
noticeable he would take care of me. (I assumed the flight back, because he wanted me to fight with
the other dealer for my costs due to there misrepresentation of the 2002 vehicle.) I figured I would fly
in and buy the car and drive it 4hrs back to Ft L. and put it on the carrier. Well at the airport a nice
dealer man picked me up and drove me to the dealership. When I got there the Viper was right out
front (shocking huh?). Of course first thing I do is fall to the ground to start looking underneath. I start
to notice rock chips, covered in touch up paint. I notice front air damn underneath has met a few
driveways as well. But everything else seems to be adding up. It is a hell of a deal at 68,500 for a
2003. I asked them to pull it up on a rack for further inspection. The underneath was very nice. Just a
leaky oil filter. But then approaching the back of the car I notice the lower 1/4 panel behind the rear
passenger wheel has been painted. Not very good may I add. They then look at it and say "we think it's
just the clear coat and we can rub it out. So I give them the benefit of the doubt even though I know it
has a basketball size area that HAS definitely been painted. They lower the car and we went out front
to take it for a test drive. As I get in on the drivers side before he got in, I notice that there is half
chewed tint from a tinted window on the passenger side that was scraped off. The car had beautiful
tinted windows, but he claims they had to razor blade it off as he can't sell a car with tinted windows in
Florida. I explained that I was putting it on a truck and I wanted to tinted windows. I also explained
that the e-bay add shows it with tinting and no explanation that it was going to be ripped off. Well what
happened when the little lot boys in the back took a razor to the window, they had the door open. Now
if you don’t know the windows on the gen 3's lower about 1/4 inch when the door is open and close
back up automatically when the door is shut. Well the brainless lot boys ripped at the tint and left a 1/4
inch mess that they could not get to. Unless you are smart enough to put the top down and get inside
and shut the door (duh). Anyway, before we drove it, he could tell I was getting more and more
disinterested. It's now 3 p.m. and I have been through hell. This guy promises me the world before I
get there and now it's all falling apart once again. So he takes it back to the lot boys with me in it and
pulls it in the detail area. Boys from age 19-23 are the only ones in the details shop. Of course they all
gather round because they usually only usually get to see silver Mercedes. Now the dealer tells them to
scram and get out of the customers way (you think). As we are explain the problem, they start to stick
screwdrivers in the lock mech trying to trick it to put the window back up with the door open. I am in
awh that I am seeing this. Do they do this with 150k Mercedes too. So as this is going on and 4 guys
are poking rods in the door, another is pulling of the door sill molding. Not for any reason other than
too pull it off. I'm like what the hell is going on. I point it to the salesman (but the youngster pounds it
back on before the salesman can see it). So I am thinking if I even buy this car I don't want these
yahoo's working on it. Just then the youngster pulls off the inside door molding again this time in front
of the salesman. Now he is in awh. I said why is he doing that and he's said "I don't know". I felt like I
just pulled the car into a bad part of town and it was getting stripped. I told him to pull off the
monkeys. I said if these guys touch it anymore I will definitely not buy it. He pulls them off as they
give me the stare. I then notice under the florescent light (the best to find paint flaws) the back truck lid
has like bird [******] burns into the red clear coat. I don't know if you know what I mean, but if you leave
bird **** on your car, and wash it of the next day. It will have bubbled the clear coat. This looked like
big birds, because on both sides of the trunk lid there was clear coat burns from something that was
liquid, because it ran all the way down the hood and back. It's not noticeable in the sun, but florescents
really showed it. I point it out and he says let me ask the detail monkeys. They say what ever did it,
they can't get it out. The salesman said maybe it was maybe acid rain or something. I guess it just
rains on the trunk. So we pull the car back out front and now I am not feeling good about this. I ask
for 15 minutes to myself to think it over. Then as I am looking the car over in the sun some more. I
notice that the hood had also been painted. What the F!! So I told him about it and I said I can't buy
the car. I said take me back to the airport. I must say he was very fair about everything. I can't say
much about him other that he also misrepresented the car to me before my arrival. Also, he did not pay
for the ticket (another 85.00 and a almost strip search again). He did tell me on the way to the airport
that the back was painted, but did not come clean about the hood. He said he would give it to me for
67,700. Tempting, but I would rather pay 7000 more and get one new. I jump back on the plane at 7
p.m. back to Ft L. Pay for the Taxi to the hotel 32.00 and dinner (pizza in my room 20.00) Next
morning back to L.A. I am now a firm believer. Don't believe anyone. I lost 1000.00 in expenses.
Now I am looking for Vipers within a 500 mile driving range. Be very careful. I had a carfax on the
first car, and it doesn't say anything about the accident.

Guess I will just be looking for either a new one, or a diamond in the rough.

Trying to be a Viper owner.



Nov 8, 2000
Reaction score
Redwood City, CA
Sorry to hear about your experience. Given that you are in SoCal, may I recommend calling Woodhouse? I've trusted them with three Viper purchases so far, and never had reason to regret it.


Viper Owner
Feb 13, 2002
Reaction score
Austin, TX
Ouch, that bites! All the best in finding the right Viper for yourself; it's a worthly cause that in the end should bring you much fun. Press on and keep us posted with the results. Summer is just a breath away so don't delay. :)

Andy 98 RT/10

Dec 24, 2003
Reaction score
I would recommend Nelson Auto Group in Ohio. They have been selling exotics for a long time. I bought my Viper from them and it's been perfect.

One thing is to note is that almost all '92-02 RT/10s will have some scratches, rock chips on the bottom of the front fascia. Since the car is so low, this pretty much can't be avoided.


Oct 18, 2000
Reaction score
DJMCEE: That is one heck of a story and I "feel" your pain. After buying cars for over 45 years I can tell you one thing. Nothing has changed in this industry. Salesmen will lie, misrepresent, and do all the other things that should land some of them in jail. Not all of them but many are out there. Especially with Exotic cars. Just try buying a used Lamborghini. You won't believe the mine field you will have to cross.
Lessons I have learned. Never put money down on any car you have not seen up close. If you must travel to see the car be ready to be dissapointed but conisder it a little getaway should things go bad when you get there. IF at all possible stay within a reasonable distance from your home. Especially with Vipers as they are most everywhere.
Always insist on a PPI and get an expert to help if you can.
Final lesson. Life has been good to me so I am able to buy the cars that interest me new. Then there are no stories, no ********. I am in control and can be reasonably sure of the car I am getting. Example. Recently I bought a new MB SL600. It was at the Port getting ready to deliver to the Dealer. I was given ALL the info on the car before it left the Port including the VIN. I instructed the salesman to notify me when the car arrived ON the trailer and how many miles were on the ODO. This they did. I also told them that if they tried to do one demo in MY car before I got there, "NO Deal" I also told them I did not want them running a bunch of people thru the car.When I got there it was locked up with only 15 miles on it. I took 2 test rides in the car to be sure nothing was falling off. I needed the second ride because I had a question about a tire. Satisifed with the car I paid for it and drove it home. Nice car with no problems.
If you can afford to buy new do it and avoid the liars. This way you will be the only person to have put miles on the engine and will not have to wonder if the previous guy overrevved it or otherwise abused it. Keep it 3 years or more and the extra money you paid to get it will not be a concern. In fact, you will have a great car that you can be proud of and may want to keep for a long time. I hope you get the car you want. Good Luck!


Feb 14, 2002
Reaction score
Duncan, SC USA
Bird droppings will raise the paint on any car, even if left on for a few hours. 2000 grit sandpaper and then a polish and wax and it will come out. As for the rear bumper replacement, I personally know of a 2002 GTS with the bumper replaced due to a cut and burn from poorly installed exhaust tips. No real damage, no accident, just needed a new cover and heatshield to make it right. So it does happen. Nothing is perfect in the world of used cars.


Mar 6, 2001
Reaction score
For future reference, next time you are interested in a Viper that is away from you, post a request here on the board to see if someone local can check it out for you in advance - it might save you time, money, and trouble. I did this and Chuck, Gerald, and Antonio in Tampa checked out my car for me before I bought it, saving me a lot of potential trouble.

Viper IV

May 20, 2004
Reaction score
East Bay Area, Calif
Personally, I would never do business in Florida EVER again. I got scammed out
of $11,500 on a Lamborghini I bought from a dealer there. (long story) Florida
is full of scam artists looking to dip into your pockets. I hear it over and
over again.
At least you were not surprised when the car showed up in California like I was.
I used Goldrush for shipping, at least they were great. ($1350 from Pompano
Beach to Calif)



Viper Owner
Jul 9, 2001
Reaction score
streamwood, il usa
sorry about your troubles, next time just have someone close by check out the car for you. A lot of people would love to help.

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