My VOI 12 Photo Set

viper GTS-R

May 24, 2001
Reaction score
Fords, NJ
Ok so it's Friday, 1:08 AM as I type this, so bare with me here....

Little do most of you know that I met down in North Carolina. I almost didn't make it to VOI. The week before I had been first diagnosed with a upper respiratory infection at a urgent care center, I had no more sick days left at work and then my ear became swollen and closed up on Thursday, and then that Sunday I was in the hospital for 5 hours, had chest Xrays only to find out I had been misdiagnosed the first time and had been correctly diagnosed with a stupid tiny little case of Pneumonia in my upper lobe of my right lung. It was so tiny, but enough to put me down hard for a week. Hopefully it doesn't happen again and don't ever have a girlfriend that's going to medical school, she will freak. LOL I was given the correct medicine, an inhaler, ear drops and put on a sudafed program...just two days before I left for VOI. (Yeah, BS, like I was going to miss the first one on the east coast, HA! :))

Well in those two days the Pneumonia disappeared very quickly, I felt so good Tuesday morning when I left and thankfully my doctor is awesome BUT my ear was still like wearing f'n pillows all the time. It just opened today so I've been enjoying all the video I filmed. (and yes I do mean ear, I'm deaf in my right)


I'm posting these photos here, via Flickr, as I realize not everyone uses Facebook. I knew from the start that whatever was good I wanted to share it with all of you. 11 years on the boards, I figured it was time to pay it back. This is the complete set that I have been working on since the start of VOI (that's a week and three days, staring at my computer screen almost 12 hours a day.) I realized about the second day in, that it's nearly impossible to capture every single second of the entire event. Especially when it's so big that there are TWO big groups. I guess this is why we had so many photographers on hand.

Most of these photos are of the B-group (B4), the parking lot, the gen V's, all the dinners, the NASCAR Hall of Fame, Zmax Dragway, Charlotte Motor Speedway, the Scenic cruise and other areas that we covered. There are 430 photos, not in complete order but close to it as possible since I was using three cameras.

There are two things that I ask of before you click the link to keep in mind since I've never released a whole set before like this...

1. If you see your car and you want to use that photo for anything (Avatars, signatures, websites, etc) PLEASE, please let me know shoot me an email ([email protected]) or PM me, I can help resizing stuff and please don't remove the watermark. I know, 10 letters seems silly but other than what's on my computer, it's my only proof I took the photo. I'm really trying to keep my photo biz alive as much as I can, lately it's been slow.

2. If you need any prints, want the entire collection on a disc (or whatever I could possibly fit a little over 3000 edited and untouched photos on), maybe just a set of possible photos I have of your car in the Flickr set, don't hesitate to email or PM me with any questions.

Again, I would like to thank everyone involved with VOI 12. It was an amazing event, I really wish I had more time to shoot everything. I'm kinda bummed it actually ended, since I've been home it's been nothing but rain so it's been kinda dull not really doing anything till I return to daily work on Monday.

So without further adieu, it's now 2:46 AM, here is the set. Enjoy. :2tu:

Schen Photography


Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Green, OH
Nice work!
But why didn't you take out those fugly oem windows before shooting that pretty green gen1? :lmao2:

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