And, golly, there sure were a lot of vette's on the road right where that accident happened... Strange coincidence...
usually weekend bicyclists who think they can ride side-by-side on the wrong side of the road around blind corners.
Don't get me started on those idiots .......
Don't get me started on those idiots and the joggers too. We have perfectly good sidewalks in our neighborhood but the joggers and many walkers too, prefer to jog and walk in the road. Sometimes at night and the lighting aint so good with all the big trees we have lining the streets. Yep, Darwinism.
Get this - just a few weeks ago, right after a bunch of rains where a ton of light gravel washed across the road, some dumb-ass yuppie couple was jogging up the road (on the wrong side of course because 'they say' it's safer to see the cars coming than have them sneak up on them from behind...) - - - with one of those frigging baby-carriage-jogging things. I come around a blind corner, with oncoming cars in the other lane, see them and their baby carriage right in front of me, and I had to slam on my brakes so fast and hard that I just missed smashing into those dumb-ass idiot couple's baby. Think about how horrible I would have felt about that. I can't even GET started about how stupid and irresponsible that was of them. I got out of my car and screamed at them like you wouldn't believe, and spent the rest of the day freaking out about what an f-ed up thing just about happened in my life. They acted like "this is our road, too, and you need to share it with us because we have the right of way." OMFG...
I went over to the link and read that thread. Those who think the nanny tech debate here gets too brutal ought to have a look at that one. Same kind of fight really; driver skill vs. computer enhancement. Funny how much they talk about "driving at the limit" with paddles, considering how few Ferrari guys ever track their cars.This somehow reminds me of a thread on ferrarichat regarding manual transmissions vs paddle shift.
EDIT, I found the link to the thread I mentioned: No manual shifter? -
It's all part of the feminization of America, Chuck; this has by now resulted in the coddling of at least two generations of idiots, many of whom would not previously have survived long enough to contaminate the gene pool. Some people should never reproduce.....My neighborhood thought it would be a great idea to paint a bicycle path in the road. All it did was invite every bonehead in the neighborhood to use it for a pedestrian lane. I even saw some dipsh*t pushing a baby carraige in the bike lane. Cars going past him at 25-35mph just a couple feet away and he thought it was a good idea to use the bicycle lane for walking his kid. Idiots. And people think TC is a solution.
It's all part of the feminization of America, Chuck; this has by now resulted in the coddling of at least two generations of idiots, many of whom would not previously have survived long enough to contaminate the gene pool. Some people should never reproduce.....![]()
Because when you get down to it I am happiest when my car is faster.
Yes they do.That car is not a Z06, do the c6's have nanny controls ?
Don't worry, when he gets back home and comes to his senses he'll claim the guy in the black swerved into him. It's the american way, never take responsibility.
Well, Chuck, actually it's more like this:So now we're copy/pasting our own responses from other threads? C'mon, at least put the effort to change the response if not the message. Like this...
There are fast cars and there are fast drivers. We know which ones the pro-nannies are.
I think we need to eleminate the ultimate nanny: the electric starter. I wonder if they had the nanny discussion back then.
Or maybe the electonic control of ignition timing. I'll bet all the Model T guys complained about how sissified the cars were becoming with the elimination of the timing advance lever. Took a real driver to optimize fuel spark and throttle at the same time.
Or then again maybe the power brake nanny. You lose braking sensation with power brakes and are less connected to the car.
Or maybe the power steering nanny. No longer directly connected to the steering wheels.
And now that I think of it lets bring back the carburetor and distributors. Bias ply tires also, only wimps drive on them radial thingies.
Technological advances will always have their detractors. Fortunately the ultimate factor in this Darwin evoution is time itself. Those that grow up with ABS, ESC, TC, paddle shift, etc will not know what they are missing and will be even more happy with how their cars perform. Because when you get down to it I am happiest when my car is faster. And in time every one of these so-called nannies will result in cars that are faster.
Now a real nnany in my book is anything that allows Big Brother to monitor me. Those are nannies worth fighting against.
You obviously missed the last decade and the issues that drove several safety related regulations. One of significance was the Firestone-Ford tire failure and rollover issue. The safety issue is when an unusual event such as a rapid tire deflation causes a normal driver to be unable to properly control their car. ESC is intended to prevent that type of mishap. If you do not want it to then turn it off. At least the regulators allowed that opportunity.
Those were on SUVs. High profile vehicles on high profile tires. The reaction on a SUV with a 235/75-15 tire vs. a sports car with a 335/30-18 isn't even in the same universe. It is ridiculous that our government lumps them in the same category and applies the same safety regs to both.
Freedom? Personal responsibility?Without regulations of some kind what kind of world would we have???