There is a new set of ACR wheels with tires for sale in the classifieds. I have seen the wheels and they are PERFECT. The tires still have nubs on them. 

If someone wants a painted set that has no curb rash or issues and are perfect for chroming, and have brand new ps2's (not 4+ year old tires) let me know.
If someone wants a painted set that has no curb rash or issues and are perfect for chroming, and have brand new ps2's (not 4+ year old tires) let me know.
Can I just borrow them for a year? I'd like to use them for the IL VCA racing event schedule.![]()
BTW, let me know if you want to try them on your car and see how they look. Also have some SSR's if you want to see what they look like too.
AT 5 grand they better be PERFECT. Holy cow.
If someone wants a painted set that has no curb rash or issues and are perfect for chroming, and have brand new ps2's (not 4+ year old tires) let me know. I'll let mine go for $4200 delivered. Or $3200 just rims.
This really isnt thread jacking I hope, since we are talking about 2 different types, OEM perfect never used but 300 miles (yours/friends), and mine which are used, great shape, but are painted, not oem color. Just options, If they get 5k for them, thats going to be a sign of the value of ACR rims continuing to climb !!
Good Luck,
I've seen your ACR rims and those are amazing. Love that color. Wish I could afford them now. BTW, is there a payment plan?![]()
won't be long and they will be $10K per set w/o tires
I've got a set for sale for $6000, they are like new! Thanks for looking![]()
I've got a set for sale for $6000, they are like new! Thanks for looking![]()
That is what FE wants for his set. Too rich for my blood. In that price range, I can get 20 inch HREs!!
Jon, what's up the front plate on your car? $20k in rims and a front plate velcro'ed on?
Here in OH we just say F'em!!!
Pearl coat w/stripes is beautiful, BTW.![]()
Jon, what's up the front plate on your car? $20k in rims and a front plate velcro'ed on?
Here in OH we just say F'em!!!
Pearl coat w/stripes is beautiful, BTW.![]()
lol, its not velcro'ed. Its JonB's nifty little rubber attachment system. Super Slick, tested it to about 120 mph, it holds great.
Oh and the ONLY reason I am obeying the plate law right now in IL, is that I had the pleasure of getting a ticket from Chicago's finest, for doing 50 in a 30 (had no idea it was a 30, major street here in chicago) and they take the license (you mail in a check and agree to take internet class and they send it back). So I dont want to get pulled over for something like that right now, and then show the cop I dont have my license and have to show him the ticket (which is a legitimate license and form of ID, but obviously doesnt do you justice as far as trying to defend how upstanding of a citizen you are)
Thanks, love the color myself too.
Wait, let me get this straight....you got a ticket for 50 in a 30, so they confiscated your state issued drivers license and replaced it with a "ticket" that acts as your license until you pay your fine and agree to take an online class? Does this ticket have your picture on it (I know the answer, just pointing out that it's not a 'valid' ID in many cases because there is no way to prove it's your name on the ticket).
Along with the blatant disregard for certain constitutional rights, this is one more reason I'll never live in Chicago or the state of Illinois for that matter.
Wait, let me get this straight....you got a ticket for 50 in a 30, so they confiscated your state issued drivers license and replaced it with a "ticket" that acts as your license until you pay your fine and agree to take an online class? Does this ticket have your picture on it (I know the answer, just pointing out that it's not a 'valid' ID in many cases because there is no way to prove it's your name on the ticket).
Along with the blatant disregard for certain constitutional rights, this is one more reason I'll never live in Chicago or the state of Illinois for that matter.
You understood it PERFECTLY. I couldnt have said it any better then you just did. Isn't that the stupidest F'ing thing you ever heard of ?? I hate how Chicago can take away your right to own a hand gun too. I have a concealed weapons permit in NC, but in Chicago, IL, you cant even have one IN YOUR HOUSE, let alone carry one on your persons. Yeah, I'm hear to make money, once I find another opportunity in a better state, I will highly consider getting the F' outta this one.
On a related topic note, I did get that ticket WHILE driving on My ACR rims.. grrr...
Yep, that's the certain constitutional right that I was speaking of. Even though I don't live in DC, I'm saying my prayers every night that the overturning of the gun ban there gets upheld all the way through the Supreme Court. That will pave the way for oppressed citizens in all of our cities where 2A rights have been taken away (NYC, San Fran, Chicago) to take back the rights that are guaranteed by our constitution. The 2A is NOT optional.
Sorry...off my soapbox now.
hey wasnt this about my ACR wheels lol, i could not imagine not owning a gun i have one with me every day! im from chicago and im glad i live in az now! cant believe this country is letting them take our guns.![]()
oh speeking of off subject the wheels are sold!!!!!!!!!!!!![]()
oh speeking of off subject the wheels are sold!!!!!!!!!!!!![]()
Which wheels? You had a set too or do you have two user ids on here?