New Belanger header/exhaust system (full)


Viper Owner
Dec 30, 2009
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Getting ready to install the full Belanger header/exhaust sytem on my 04 snake. Any tips, secrets and new vocabulary (when wrench slips) would be appreciated. Looking forward to removal of sauna system and new sound track :D


Apr 3, 2005
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It will be loud. A bit of drone at cruise but sounds great at idle. I ended up having baffles added down stream of the resonators, better at cruise.



Viper Owner
Dec 30, 2009
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Update: Took car to a buddy's home garage and installed the full Belanger system on Sat. took a while, 8AM to 1230AM Sun but worth it. Took our time removing old system without any issues. We used new stock Dodge manifold gaskets instead of the supplied gaskets but used all other parts supplied from Belanger. Everything fit perfectly without any issues and the sound is outstanding. The UPS truck idle is gone and has been replaced by a low snarling growl. There is drone at certain RPM's but it is easily controlled by simply shifting to another gear. Cruising at highway speeds are fine with the best description being a lower fuller tone with a very slight increase in overall sound level but conversations and the Korn CD are fine....until you step on the loud pedal. Under hard acceleration it sounds like NASCAR in HD and conversation is not possible...... but it would be hard to talk anyway with that big smile on your face.

This write-up would not be complete without a shout out to Lou Belanger. I cannot thank him and his staff enough for supplying the system and rushing it right out to me. This was after I made him aware of an issue with a so called authorized dealer (Racing Solutions) who failed to supply the system or return my money (had to dispute) after many weeks. Originally I called him to determine if the supplier had ordered the system from him and he confirmed they never actually ordered it. Upon hearing the trouble I was having he immediately took control and gave me the option of getting it directly from him at a good price. Lou did not have to do this and could have just put me on the list for the full ride and price.... but he didn't. Instead he personally handled the transaction to ensure there would be no further delays, handled all the logistics, returned my calls and answers my questions. I am sure there are many good vendors for Viper parts but Belanger is one of the great ones. Talking with and ordering from Lou at Belanger was one of the best business decisions I have made and I truly appreciate him and his company.


Update: Took car to a buddy's home garage and installed the full Belanger system on Sat. took a while, 8AM to 1230AM Sun but worth it. Took our time removing old system without any issues. We used new stock Dodge manifold gaskets instead of the supplied gaskets but used all other parts supplied from Belanger. Everything fit perfectly without any issues and the sound is outstanding. The UPS truck idle is gone and has been replaced by a low snarling growl. There is drone at certain RPM's but it is easily controlled by simply shifting to another gear. Cruising at highway speeds are fine with the best description being a lower fuller tone with a very slight increase in overall sound level but conversations and the Korn CD are fine....until you step on the loud pedal. Under hard acceleration it sounds like NASCAR in HD and conversation is not possible...... but it would be hard to talk anyway with that big smile on your face.

This write-up would not be complete without a shout out to Lou Belanger. I cannot thank him and his staff enough for supplying the system and rushing it right out to me. This was after I made him aware of an issue with a so called authorized dealer (Racing Solutions) who failed to supply the system or return my money (had to dispute) after many weeks. Originally I called him to determine if the supplier had ordered the system from him and he confirmed they never actually ordered it. Upon hearing the trouble I was having he immediately took control and gave me the option of getting it directly from him at a good price. Lou did not have to do this and could have just put me on the list for the full ride and price.... but he didn't. Instead he personally handled the transaction to ensure there would be no further delays, handled all the logistics, returned my calls and answers my questions. I am sure there are many good vendors for Viper parts but Belanger is one of the great ones. Talking with and ordering from Lou at Belanger was one of the best business decisions I have made and I truly appreciate him and his company.

Awesomesauce! Great parts, great supplier, great satisfaction. What's not to like? Congrats!


Jan 7, 2013
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Eastern Shore near Easton, MD.

Hey man, I'm originally from Pocomoke (South of Salisbury). I'm living in NC now but frequently get back during the summer. Looking to buy this spring/early summer so if it works out, maybe we can meet up for a cruise at the beach. You know of any other Vipers on the shore?

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