Not sure what the issue is but now that I have installed my new hood my alarm goes off after parking for awhile. any thoughts on this??? fixes??
this happened on my acr when I first got it, i took it in and it was adjusted and fixed. The 1st time it happened was 2am inside my garage, scarred the crap out of me.
Very common with aftermarket hoods. I still can't set the alarm in my 04 with my comp coupe style Autoform hood.
The hood pad has nothing to do with it. The wires are just grounds.
Check along the front fender, passenger side, behind the coolant recovery bottle and you'll see a small switch. If you can find a way to increase it's height slightly (I've added small sticky rubber pads, felt pads, etc. to it), you may be able to solve your problem. Some of these pads don't stay on very long, but they will help for a while.
If you come up with a good solution, please share.
" I have this hood on my car and I don't think it will stay on at 120 plus. I need to get some hold down pins for it. "
Be patient, if possible. I have access to a brand new Gen 4 Carbon Fiber Hood & custom modified airbox to match for the Gen 3 Vipers.
Built to the Hilt!
I will post pictures as soon as first hoods arrives from the MFG. You'll be pleasantly surprised.
looking forward to it the one I have now may be at risk at 120 mph.