Viper Owner
Need a new or lightly used set of 4 glow balls for the viper night drivin pinball machine. Also need the cones that fit on the light poles that point at the racoons. thanks...
Yeah I've sent out what seems to be hundreds of emails inquiring about the glo-balls to a bunch of places online but noone has the balls. Found the cones for the light poles that shine at the racoons but thats it.I would contact one of those companies on Ebay that sell pinball machines and parts. I have a pinball machine and found what I was looking for when I needed a part by contacting one of them. I don't have any specific names for you though.
The pinabll tech is supposed to be back Monday so hopefully he can get it fixed this time. At 95 bucks an hour it ***** to have to keep having him comeout.Rick i'm currently having the same problem with my pinball machine too. It is not the Viper pinball, so I am going to put it on Craigs List and get rid of it. I will be looking for the Viper pinball eventually.