Sam Vipeme Brasile
Viper Owner
Found these @ Wal-Mart Cost $3.00, Series #2 Blue/white stripes & silver/black stripe!!
Happy Hunting
Happy Hunting

Bat if you have a kmart check there both Kmarts near hear had several sets. Or I have a spare set you can have at cost plus shipping. LMK
Bat if you have a kmart check there both Kmarts near hear had several sets. Or I have a spare set you can have at cost plus shipping. LMK
I'll check my Kmart tonight (I know Wal-Mart doesnt have them), but if I cant find them, can you please pick me up a set of silver and blue? Thanks!
Has anyone found the 1/24 scale from series 2? Ive seen series 1 and last night found series 3..
Mustangs and Vettes are only ones Ive seen!
that'b be graet. Blue and silver? pm me price.
Are the four combo's mentioned in this thread the total out there? Has anyone seen anything other than:
Red/black stripe
Yellow/black stripe
Silver/black stripe
Blue/2 white stripes
Those are the only color schemes I have been able to find. I ended up with an extra silver w/black but my nephew was in love with it. He would sit in my office and just stare at it. I made his day when I gave it to him. Of course the first thing he did was open it and start rollig it on the carpet.Are the four combo's mentioned in this thread the total out there? Has anyone seen anything other than:
Red/black stripe
Yellow/black stripe
Silver/black stripe
Blue/2 white stripes
I got the red 1/24th scale Viper!