Lunacy is needed on our need's an injection.CrapJust when I was in the mood to release some lunacy.
Lunacy is needed on our need's an injection.
What do you think Juli?
I guess GOTWOOD wouldn't be appropriate.
Oh, then HAD WOOD is about rightMaybe for a fella...![]()
Where are you in western NC?
I was just in the area, my sister has a 2nd home in Waynesville-Maggie Valley area on Utah mountain.
I live in Franklin - about 45 minutes west of Waynesville.
Oh, then HAD WOOD is about right![]()
Good Gosh, Andrew!!!
Welcome to the club! I live in Asheville not to far from you. SSG would be my choice if I was buying a new Viper. Congrats!!![]()
You know, Missy--once you get your 'privileges' here, you will HAVE to add your signature...we'll see WHO has 'too many toys'~~~!!! You go girl...juli (Remember PICS ASAP tomorrow!!!)
Mind out the gutter Juli.
I meant the Viper is (FAST) and she's a fine piece of (ASS) not that she's loose or something.
You judges us too harshly.![]()
I thought the saying was "the one who dies with the most toys, wins". You think I can compete with these guys??![]()
?Or not harshly ENUF apparently!!!You're still in doghouse for that one!
REALLY fine piece of ass
Pssssh...NO competition at all!!! In your signature, when you put it up there, list ALL those beauties you'll have the MOPAR fans drooling~~~~juli
**And, yes, I do believe that's how the saying goes, and after all WINNING is what counts, right?!!**
I'm charging up the camera tonight. I'm sure I'll be taking lots of pictures! I've still got to move a couple of cars around in the garage to make room. The suspense is killing me![]()
Ah, but see, now you're making the others HERE in suspense...saying, HMMMM....WHAT cars is she moving around??? LOL...oh, you SOOOO GOOOO girl!!!!! Relax...nothing you CAN do til take some breaths, relax...and have NICE GREEN DREAMS!!!
(no guys, I did NOT say WET dreams...see what you're in for here, Missy?Hope you got your sense of humor to put up with us!!!
) ~juli
COngrats ssg chic on the Viper and welcome aboard.... Tell Barney and Andy to watch over it![]()
Too funny. I don't think I'll be sleeping at all tonight. And does it really hurt to make them wonder what cars I'm moving around?
hahaaa! I can see this thread has a mind of it's own![]()
It does, doesn't it? I like it!
I do too!! And, I'm NOT into bashing or women...just love the thoughts that this is provoking on your license plate...and the suspense over the car arriving!
Me, too! I'm having a blast! I've got lots of good ideas for the tag but I'm still undecided.![]()