GTS Bruce
Problems I encountered.CDI headers/3" stainless/3"corsa.The header tubes are a tight fit.Passenger side air box must be removed.Not all suppplied header bolts (allen head type) would fit.Not enough clearance.Had to reuse some of the stock head bolts.Had to cut down an allen wrench to tighten some bolts.Had to use vise grips on two bolts.Heat shields will not fit(More later).Tubes are stressed and difficult to fit into the collector.One header tube on the drivers side was jammed solid against a frame gusset.This needed to have a shallow semi-circle cut out of it for clearance and then of course it was painted.The rest was easy.Collector is clamped to the straight pipe using welded on flanges and clamps supplied by CDI.Pipe supplied by CDI.The necked down end of the 3" corsa(to fit a stock system) was cut off and flared to accept the 3" straight pipe.Apex syms work perfectly. I am looking for comments/suggestions concerning the necessity of some type of heat shielding especialy the brake lines and starter on the drivers side of the car.Thanks. WHAT? Bruce