I don't use the AC a lot so I don't have statistically-valid data on this, but it seems that in the past few months my AC behaves in a weird way.
When I start the car, windows up and turn the AC on quickly, it blows cold and everything in the cabin stays nice and cool. If I turn off the car....even for 2 minutes to run into a store, when I start back up and turn on the AC it blows coolish......and won't bring the cabin temps down to the icy level I want.
Stranger still is the idea that the thing'll blow cold during a 40 minute ride (assuming no turn off's of the ignition); but even after 10 minutes, if I turn it off and restart the super cold goes away.
Any ideas (besides aliens in my compressor)?
When I start the car, windows up and turn the AC on quickly, it blows cold and everything in the cabin stays nice and cool. If I turn off the car....even for 2 minutes to run into a store, when I start back up and turn on the AC it blows coolish......and won't bring the cabin temps down to the icy level I want.
Stranger still is the idea that the thing'll blow cold during a 40 minute ride (assuming no turn off's of the ignition); but even after 10 minutes, if I turn it off and restart the super cold goes away.
Any ideas (besides aliens in my compressor)?