I passed this thread along to Maurice. He made a couple of comments about the mats.
"Glad he's happy with them.
I've heard that comment every so often -- "Why don't they move the logo back, it's right where your heel goes. Seems like common sense." Well, the problem is, if the logo was further back on the mat, you wouldn't even see the logo! As it is, you can barely see the logo on the driver's side...
BTW, the newer mats are made from thicker carpet than the older mats, so people who have mats that are more than 2 years old have different carpet and therefore don't reflect the current product.
Not sure why that guy had a problem with the amplifier. As far as I know, all the Vipers have had their amplifier mounted in the same place in the trunk, and other people (myself included) haven't had a problem with fit. I wonder if his amplifier was moved or is non-stock.
I used to think mats were common sense and didn't need an owner's manual until I sent a trunk mat to one guy, and he complained that the logo was in the wrong place and you couldn't see it. I finally looked at how he put the mat in his trunk, and he took the spare tire out, cut a hole (right through the emblem) and put the spare tire carrier bolt through it. Then he put the tire back over the mat! I mean, don't you think you'd go, hmmmm, this can't be how it was intended? The mat was supposed to cover the spare tire, not go under it.... So, never underestimate people.... ;-)"