Hey guys, had a great time as usual. Thanks Charlie, great place, great food, great company. see you all in CT
Had a GREAT time! Very nice to see everyone and thanks Charlie for setting this one up!That Sun was a little HOT!
A few pictures to follow.
damn, im mad i had to miss this run.......looks like a nice place
Had a GREAT time! Very nice to see everyone and thanks Charlie for setting this one up!That Sun was a little HOT!
A few pictures to follow.
It was so HOT that I got DARKbut had a great time and a blast seeing everyone. Charlie THANK YOU for setting this up and your time was appreciated. Please everyone if you miss this one come out to our new annual CT event on July 27 in which we must thank ViperTony for setting up. I was very surprise to see Chuck pulling up beside me wanting to race BUT I remember what he said RED is faster
so I decided not to. I'm a little tired so once again as always on behalf of the Board (CitySnake,ACR Steve,Charlie, and Myself) we all THANK YOU for your continue support and looking forward to seeing you on the 27...Adrian