I'll be in Virginia with family this long weekend. Another missed event for me. :-( Have fun!
OK...here's a 140 mile drive plan (from NYC) with a stop for lunch.
From the City, up the Hutchinson Pkwy to the Merritt Parkway to Trumbull and up Rte 25 to Rte. 84. Stop at exit 2B for an early lunch at Rosy Tomorrow's And then back home. It could entail a stop on the way home at Tator's Dodge for some desert deviled eggs...or not. If everyone's cool with this, I'll throw up some exact exit numbers. It's about 90 miles to Rosy's along this round about route.
If anyone has alternatives...post 'em up.
OK...then we do Merritt to Trumbull and take Rte 25 South 10 miles to 95 South. Probably 50 miles up and 50 back. We'll stop at Swanky Frank's on the way back right off exit 14. Nothing like a some healthy hot dogs to top off the turkey!
If Skeeter has put the kabash on our cruise, maybe we'll try again for Sunday when it's spozed to hit 50 degrees?
Heck, I don't care. If more folks want to go on Saturday that's fine with me! The hot dogs will still be there!
We can just do a cruise in to Tator's Deviled Egg Stand on Friday if nothing else. I understand that the day after Thanksgiving is Chuck's least busy day of the year. He's usually just sitting around with his feet up on the desk. I've just got the day off and a Viper in the garage.
Where do you detail Adam? Detailing Dynamics? How long do they take?
Still looking for a concensus with regard to a cruise here...
Hey Adam what do they charge for the LAMBO.I SEE YOUR OLD CAR IN ONE OF THE PICTURES.Did the blk come out well?
So what do you think it will cost then? $300.00 Idon't wanna get ripped off. I'll thrash the place then I'll call you to get me out of jail...