OEM Wheel Specs (Specifically Offset)


Sep 2, 2009
Reaction score
Getting closer than ever to pulling the trigger on a Gen V. My Porsche is currently up for sale and once it goes, I'm getting a Viper. I don't understand the somewhat pervasive negativity on the forum surrounding the gen V, so I'll just say I'm extremely excited, and it's the new price discount that pushed me over the edge. This will be my only car and year round DD, so hopefully I'll help spread the Viper word in a positive way during my travels and give the world a tiny bump in Viper awareness. I know using a Viper daily is considered sacrilege by some, but I've always DD'd extreme sports cars and I have no intention of stopping for any practical or pragmatic reason because we only get one go round and I love sports cars, so screw it, I'm using it every day.

Anyway, I've looked everywhere and I can't seem to find the OEM Gen V wheels specs. I specifically need the offsets and bolt pattern. Any help would be very much appreciated.



Oct 10, 2007
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
I've put 550 miles on mine in one week, and 3 of those days I didn't drive it to work because I needed my 4 door. You will have no problem with it as a daily, good luck!


VCA National President
VCA Officer
Jan 7, 2013
Reaction score
Getting closer than ever to pulling the trigger on a Gen V. My Porsche is currently up for sale and once it goes, I'm getting a Viper. I don't understand the somewhat pervasive negativity on the forum surrounding the gen V, so I'll just say I'm extremely excited, and it's the new price discount that pushed me over the edge. This will be my only car and year round DD, so hopefully I'll help spread the Viper word in a positive way during my travels and give the world a tiny bump in Viper awareness. I know using a Viper daily is considered sacrilege by some, but I've always DD'd extreme sports cars and I have no intention of stopping for any practical or pragmatic reason because we only get one go round and I love sports cars, so screw it, I'm using it every day.

Anyway, I've looked everywhere and I can't seem to find the OEM Gen V wheels specs. I specifically need the offsets and bolt pattern. Any help would be very much appreciated.


Awesome, glad to see someone else using their car like me. I just have an 04 but I daily it as often as I can and have no problems with it. The only thing that's ever kept it off the road is snow. Pouring rain and sub-zero temperatures are fine, but a dusting of snow was enough to immobilize my car, quite literally I found out.