Jack, you've got to ask yourself this.....the Gen 4 guys have had no real tuning options since 2008....7 years with no help from either Chrysler or the aftermarket. (and by tuning option, I do not mean using a stand alone unit like Motec or Pectel or the anemic Mopar PCM). But, as soon as the aftermarket comes out saying they'll have a tune-able option for the Gen 5, magically SRT announces that an off road pcm is available and Mark @ Woodhouse just sold 40 of them as claimed today on the other forum.
The mid 1990's computer tuning (options and speed to market) cannot be compared to what is available today (or even 7 years ago). Honestly, the "timing" of the SRT release does crap on the aftermarket tuner coming out.
Maybe we'll get a tweet next week explaining the parameters of the new SRT tuner.