Payment and shipping information
We will start taking payments for SVS shifter group buy orders on Monday 10/30/06.
The shifters will begin shipping on Thurs 11-2 and Friday 11/3
Preferred payment for the group buy is through Paypal or you may call our office starting 10/30/06 and pay by Credit Card.
Our Paypal email is:
[email protected]
Please add the following information in your Paypal payment:
Viperclub.org Screen name
specify your order as stated in this post
Viper model/year
Where to ship address
Phone #
If you plan on paying by credit card our office number is 630-876-1335. Please mention that you're making payment for the SVS shifter group buy.
We will start taking payments by credit card on 10/30/06.
The current order list:
jcaspar1 (1” lower/ $230+$10 s/h total $240)
RikRok (1” lower/ $230+$10 s/h total $240)
AJT (1” lower/ $230+$10 s/h total $240)
BADMOFO (2” lower/ $230+$10 s/h total $240)
Copperhead245 (both bolts/ $245+$10 s/h total $255)
ghayes420 (1” lower/ $230+$10 s/h total $240)
Adam (2” lower/ $230+$10 s/h total $240)
GTSPOWERED (2” lower/ $230+$10 s/h total $240)
Da1cop (1” lower/ $230+$10 s/h total $240)
Blue Streak (1” lower/ $230+$10 s/h total $240)
Voltage (1” lower/ $230+$10 s/h total $240)
Phoenix 1 (2” lower/ $230+$10 s/h total $240)
Kala (both bolts/ $245+$10 s/h total $255)
KenH (both bolts/ $245+$10 s/h total $255)
Boplaw (1” lower/ $230+$10 s/h total $240)
My viper (2” lower/ $230+$10 s/h total $240)
Steve T (both bolts/ $245+$10 s/h total $255)
Johann (both bolts/ $245+$10 s/h total $255)
Santo (both bolts/ $245+$10 s/h total $255)
KepRght (2” lower/ $230+$10 s/h total $240)
Hisses (1” lower/ $230+$10 s/h total $240)
Angleiron (1” lower/ $230+$10 s/h total $240)
Apun (both bolts/ $245+$10 s/h total $255)
SilverMamba189/200 (2” lower/ $230+$10 s/h total $240)
Ericsdodge (both bolts/ $245+$10 s/h total $255)
John Baird (1” lower/ $230+$10 s/h total $240)
Bloose (both bolts/ $245+$10 s/h total $255)
Wastintim (1” lower/ $230+$10 s/h total $240)
Bratatatat (both bolts/ $245+$10 s/h total $255)
Redtanrt10 (both bolts/ $245+$10 s/h total $255)
Banton (1” lower/ $230+$10 s/h total $240)
ViperJoe (both bolts/ $245+$10 s/h total $255)
ParisianViper (both bolts/ $245+$95 s/h total $340)
For those on the waiting list: Do not pay anything at this time.
After we start receiving payments for the current orders on the group buy list and shipping the shifters I will know if we have extra's to get you in this group buy. If anyone on the list fails to pay you'll be moved into the group buy and will be sent notification for payment.
If everyone on the current order list makes payment and we only have enough material for 35 shifters then I will start another group buy the same way with the same pricing (except s/h costs will be gathered before payment). It will take a couple of months or more to get all the materials together to make another 35+ shifters.
For now please wait and let's see what happens.
Waiting list:
97 GTS BL/WH (both bolts
cobraman484 (both bolts)
Got a Viper (1” lower)
Randy S (both bolts)
Thank you everyone