Joseph Dell
In our haste to post, I forgot to mention the one person who truly made it possible for us to run the race. The reality is that Tech was giving us a hard time even though the car _should_ have met the specs... heck, it's a street car! But they wanted us to tech-in as a pure race care. And I wasn't about to tear up the car to do that.
JonB stepped in and worked with the tech folks to demonstrate that the car was safe and that precedent for this had already been set. Without Jon's help, we'd have had to tear up the car a heck of a lot and it wouldn't have been nearly as fun.
JonB - Thank you!!! And my sincerest of apologizes for neglecting you the 1st time, as you are always one of my #1 supporters.
JonB stepped in and worked with the tech folks to demonstrate that the car was safe and that precedent for this had already been set. Without Jon's help, we'd have had to tear up the car a heck of a lot and it wouldn't have been nearly as fun.
JonB - Thank you!!! And my sincerest of apologizes for neglecting you the 1st time, as you are always one of my #1 supporters.