A month and a half ago, I spun a rod bearing. The motor seized and wouldn't even turn over. I finally had the car towed to a shop just over a week ago to get my car up and running again. I am on a budget (I'd like to keep it under $10k), but at the same time I'd like to do heads and cam since the motor will be open and out.
I'm at a crossroads right now. I have an opportunity to purchase an '04 motor with less than 7k miles for $7k shipped. The motor was purchased from X Vipers about a year ago for a Jeep project, but the owner ended up purchasing an SRT-10 truck motor and auto transmission, so he's selling the extra motor. By purchasing the motor, I can do the heads and cam and keep it close to $10k...but there's always a chance of spinning another rod bearing.
On the other hand, I can have my motor torn down to see the extent of the damage and rebuild it. By rebuilding , hopefully a good machine shop can help prevent another rod bearing issue...but this can lead to being a bit more than my budget, especially if I'd still like to add some aftermarket parts.
I'd like to gather some opinions from you all. I've never had to rebuild a motor, so this is new territory for me. It would be great to get some feedback from owners who have had to rebuild.
I'm at a crossroads right now. I have an opportunity to purchase an '04 motor with less than 7k miles for $7k shipped. The motor was purchased from X Vipers about a year ago for a Jeep project, but the owner ended up purchasing an SRT-10 truck motor and auto transmission, so he's selling the extra motor. By purchasing the motor, I can do the heads and cam and keep it close to $10k...but there's always a chance of spinning another rod bearing.
On the other hand, I can have my motor torn down to see the extent of the damage and rebuild it. By rebuilding , hopefully a good machine shop can help prevent another rod bearing issue...but this can lead to being a bit more than my budget, especially if I'd still like to add some aftermarket parts.
I'd like to gather some opinions from you all. I've never had to rebuild a motor, so this is new territory for me. It would be great to get some feedback from owners who have had to rebuild.